Tuft dendrites of pyramidal neurons housed in layer 1 of the neocortex form extensive excitatory synaptic connections with long-range cortical and high-order thalamic axons, along with diverse inhibitory inputs. Recently, we reported that synapses from the vibrissal primary motor cortex (vM1) and posterior medial thalamic nucleus (POm) are spatially clustered together in the same set of distal dendrites, suggesting a close functional interaction. In this study, we evaluated how these two types of synapses interact with each other using in vivo two-photon Ca2+ imaging and electrophysiology. We observed that dendritic Ca2+ responses could be efficiently evoked by electrical stimulation of POm or vM1 in the overlapping set of dendritic branches, rejecting the idea of branch-wise origin-selective synaptic wiring. Surprisingly, the Ca2+ responses upon coincident POm and vM1 stimulation summed sublinearly. We attribute this sublinearity to mutual inhibition via inhibitory neurons because synaptic currents generated by POm and vM1 also integrated sublinearly, but pharmacologically isolated direct synaptic currents summed linearly. Inhibitory neurons receiving POm inputs in the superficial cortical layer negatively regulated vM1-evoked responses. Finally, POm and vM1 innervated overlapping but distinct populations of somatostatin-expressing inhibitory neurons. Thus, POm and vM1 inputs negatively modulate each other in the mouse somatosensory cortex.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.