It is important to study the evolution and domestication of the domesticated duck (Anas platyrynchos) population from the wide range of wild relatives of Anas spp. Whole mitochondrial genome sequencing was attempted for Anas platyrynchos (Bengal duck) and Anser indicus (goose) from same geographical region. The study deals with the Molecular evolution of domestic duck based on mitochondrial gene due to its sequence variability, and to find out the phylogenetic relationships among Anas platyrynchos and its wild relatives. In this study we have used 45 wild species of Anas spp to study the mitochondrial genes and phylogenomics. Our result signifies that duck species were effectively discriminated with respect to mitochondrial genes, which could then be used for an appropriate genetic conservation program for the wild duck and domestic duck breeds. The DNA sequences from any unknown sample of the mitochondrial gene may be determined and can compare with those on a DNA database and can do blast for phylogenetic analysis of unknown wild duck, which gives its future scope. In silico analysis for 3D structure for Anas platyrynchos with the closest relative as Anas poecilorhyncha (Indian spot-billed duck) was attempted. Anas platyrynchos was also compared with Anser indicus. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to investigate the genetic diversity of West Bengal wild ducks with reference to its wild relatives based on mitochondrial gene.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.