Arf-like GTPases (Arls) regulate membrane trafficking and cytoskeletal organization. Genetic studies predicted a role for Arl15 in type-2 diabetes, insulin resistance, adiposity, and rheumatoid arthritis. Recent studies indicate a possible role for Arl15 in multiple physiological processes, including magnesium homeostasis. However, the molecular function of Arl15 is poorly defined. We evaluated the role of Arl15 in vesicular transport using techniques to quantify cargo trafficking, to mechanobiology. Fluorescence microscopy of stably expressing Arl15-GFP HeLa cells showed its localization to the Golgi and cell surface, including filopodia, and a cohort to recycling endosomes. The dissociation of Golgi, using small molecular inhibitors or the expression of Arf1 dominant-negative mutant, completely mislocalized Arl15 to the cytosol. Interestingly, site-directed mutagenesis analysis identified a novel V80A mutation in the GTP-binding domain that turns Arl15 into a dominant-negative form with reduced number of filopodia. Depletion of Arl15 in HeLa cells caused mislocalization of cargo, such as caveolin-2 and STX6, from the Golgi. Arl15 knockdown cells displayed reduced filopodial number, altered focal adhesion kinase organization, and enhanced soluble and receptor-mediated cargo uptake without affecting the TfR recycling. Arl15 knockdown decreased cell migration and enhanced cell spreading and adhesion strength. Traction force microscopy experiments revealed that Arl15 depleted cells exert higher tractions and generate multiple focal adhesion points during the initial phase of cell adhesion as compared to control cells. Collectively, these studies demonstrated a functional role for Arl15 in the Golgi, which includes regulating cargo transport to organize membrane domains at the cell surface.
Key points
Arl15 primarily localizes to Golgi and plasma membrane, including filopodia
Membrane localization of Arl15 is dependent on Golgi integrity or Arf1 activation
Arl15 knockdown mislocalizes STX6-dependent Golgi localized cargo required for cell surface organization and reduces the filopodial number
Arl15 is involved in cell spreading, adhesion, and migration
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.