Although 3D genome architecture can be essential for gene regulation, the biological implications of long-range chromatin interactions in disease remain elusive. In this study, we traced the early evolution and malignant transformation of colorectal cancer by generating high-resolution chromatin conformation maps of 33 colon samples spanning different stages of early neoplastic growth from polyps of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) patients. Our analysis reveals a substantial progressive loss of genome-wide cis-regulatory connectivity at early stages of malignancy, which correlates with a non-linear effect on gene regulation. Genes with high promoter-enhancer (P-E) connectivity in unaffected mucosa are not correlated with elevated baseline expression, but instead tend to be up-regulated at advanced stages. Inhibition of highly connected promoters preferentially represses gene expression in colorectal cancer cells relative to normal colonic epithelial cells. Our results suggest a two-phase model whereby neoplastic transformation reduces P-E connectivity from a redundant state to a rate-limiting one for transcriptional levels. Overall, our study illuminates the intricate interplay between 3D genome architecture and gene regulation during early colorectal cancer progression, and provides valuable insights for potential therapeutic interventions targeting the connectivity of cis-regulatory elements.
Competing Interest Statement
G.K., A.J., D.L. and Z.S. are employees and shareholders of Ultima Genomics. M.P.S is cofounder and scientific advisor of Personalis, Qbio, SensOmics, January AI, Mirvie, Protos, NiMo, Onza and is on the advisory board of Genapsys. Aziz Khan has affiliations with Biogen (consultant), SerImmune (SAB), RavelBio (scientific co-founder and SAB) and PatchBio (SAB). E.E. is an employee and stockholder of Invitae, advisor and stockholder of Taproot Health and Exir Bio. William Greenleaf has affiliations with Guardant Health (Consultant/SAB), Protillion Biosciences (Scientifica Co-Founder), and 10x has licenced patents associated with ATAC-seq.
Figures updated; Text updated; Author affiliations updated; Supplemental files updated.