Standards support synthetic biology research by enabling the exchange of component information. However, using formal representations, such as the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL), typically requires either a thorough understanding of these standards or a suite of tools developed in concurrence with the ontologies. Since these tools may be a barrier for use by many practitioners, the Excel-SBOL Converter was developed to allow easier use of SBOL and integration into existing workflows. The converter consists of two Python libraries: one that converts Excel templates to SBOL, and another that converts SBOL to an Excel workbook. Both libraries can be used either directly or via a SynBioHub plugin. We illustrate the operation of the Excel-SBOL Converter with two case studies: uploading experimental data with the study’s metadata linked to the measurements and downloading the Cello part repository.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
E-mail: chris.myers{at}colorado.edu