Background Plant domestication is a remarkable example of rapid phenotypic transformation of polygenic traits such as organ size. Evidence from a handful of study cases suggests this transformation is due to gene regulatory changes that result in non-additive phenotypes. Employing data from published genetic crosses, we estimated the role of non-additive gene action in the modulation of transcriptional landscapes in three domesticated plants: maize, sunflower, and chili pepper. Using A. thaliana, we assessed the correlation between gene regulatory network (GRN) connectivity properties, transcript abundance variation, and gene action. Finally, we investigated the propagation of non-additive gene action in GRNs.
Results We compared crosses between domesticated plants and their wild relatives to a set of control crosses that included a pair of subspecies evolving under natural selection and a set of inbred lines evolving under domestication. We found abundance differences on a higher portion of transcripts in crosses between domesticated-wild plants relative to the control crosses. These transcripts showed non-additive gene action more often in crosses of domesticated-wild plants than in our control crosses. This pattern was strong for genes associated with cell cycle and cell fate determination, which control organ size. We found weak but significant negative correlations between the number of targets of trans-acting genes (Out-degree) and both the magnitude of transcript abundance differences a well as the absolute degree of dominance. Likewise, we found that the number of regulators that control a gene’s expression (In-degree) is weakly but negatively correlated with the magnitude of transcript abundance differences. We observed that dominant-recessive gene action is highly propagable through GRNs. Finally, we found that transgressive gene action is driven by trans-acting regulators showing additive gene action.
Conclusions Our study highlights the role of non-additive gene action on modulating domestication-related traits such as organ size via regulatory divergence. We propose that GRNs are shaped by regulatory changes at genes with modest connectivity, which reduces the effects of antagonistic pleiotropy. Finally, we provide empirical evidence of the propagation of non-additive gene action in GRNs, which suggests a transcriptional epistatic model for the control of polygenic traits such as organ size.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
A random sampling-based sequencing coverage analysis was done to assess its possible impact on the analysis of differential expression. Particularly, due to the rather small number of genes showing differential expression in the switchgrass "natural selection" control. The results were added in the main text and as a supplementary figure. Additionally, all the instances of transcript accumulation were changed to transcript abundance to avoid confusion with cumulative probabilities. Finally, the manuscript was improved by recognizing the use of a single natural selection control.
List of abbreviations
- Anaphase-promoting complex
- CDC22
- Cell division cycle 20.2
- cyclin-dependent kinase D1
- DE
- Differentially expressed
- ELF3
- Early flowering protein
- ES
- Effect size
- FC
- Fold change
- False discovery rate
- GO
- Gene ontology
- Gene regulatory network
- Next generation sequencing
- Pickle remodeling factor
- Target of rapamycin
- Zink finger protein WIP2