Reinforcement feedback can improve motor learning, but the underlying brain mechanisms remain unexplored. Especially, the causal contribution of specific patterns of oscillatory activity within the human striatum is unknown. To address this question, we exploited an innovative, non-invasive deep brain stimulation technique called transcranial temporal interference stimulation (tTIS) during reinforcement motor learning with concurrent neuroimaging, in a randomised, sham-controlled, double-blind study. Striatal tTIS applied at 80Hz, but not at 20Hz, abolished the benefits of reinforcement on motor learning. This effect was related to a selective modulation of neural activity within the striatum. Moreover, 80Hz, but not 20Hz, tTIS increased the neuromodulatory influence of the striatum on frontal areas involved in reinforcement motor learning. These results show for the first time that tTIS can non-invasively and selectively modulate a striatal mechanism involved in reinforcement learning, opening new horizons for the study of causal relationships between deep brain structures and human behaviour.
Competing Interest Statement
E.N. is co-founder of TI Solutions AG, a company committed to producing hardware and software solutions to support tTIS research.