Electrical stimulation is a powerful therapeutic tool for treating neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders. Sensing and modulating electrophysiological biomarkers of memory over extended timescales is necessary for tracking and improving memory in humans. Here, we describe results from humans in their natural home environments using a novel, investigational system enabling chronic stimulation and multi-channel recording of anterior thalamic and hippocampal local field potentials during memory tasks. Four people with focal epilepsy performed a free recall verbal memory task repeatedly for up to fifty months on a touch-screen device with wireless signal acquisition with electrophysiology and behavioral data streaming to a cloud environment. Anterior thalamic-hippocampal spectral activities in the theta frequency range were found to correlate with memory processing, to predict task performance, and to be modulated by deep brain stimulation. Our results provide a new biomarker-based technology for chronic remote tracking of memory performance and modulation of the associated neural activities.
One Sentence Summary Electrical stimulation in the anterior thalamic nuclei modulates theta frequency activities and improves human verbal memory performance chronically.
Competing Interest Statement
Medtronic provided the investigational Medtronic Summit RC+STM devices.