Several hundreds of tons of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) are being dumped into the environment every year. Although macrocyclic GBCAs exhibit superior stability compared to their linear counterparts, we have found that the structural integrity of chelates are susceptible to ultraviolet light, regardless of configuration. In this study, we present a synthetic protein termed GLamouR that binds and reports gadolinium in an intensiometric manner. We then explore the extraction of gadolinium from GBCA-spiked artificial urine samples and investigate if the low picomolar concentrations reported in gadolinium-contaminated water sources pose a barrier for bioremediation. Based on promising results, we anticipate GLamouR can be used for detecting and mining REEs beyond gadolinium as well and hope to expand the biological toolbox for such applications.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.