Rationale Experimental studies suggest that exposures may impact respiratory health across generations via epigenetic changes transmitted specifically through male germ cells. Studies in humans are however limited. We aim to identify epigenetic marks in offspring associated with father’s preconception smoking.
Methods We conducted epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) in the RHINESSA cohort on father’s any preconception smoking (N=875 offspring) and father’s pubertal onset smoking <15 years (N=304), using Infinium MethylationEPIC Beadchip arrays, adjusting for offspring age, maternal smoking and personal smoking. EWAS of maternal and offspring personal smoking were performed for replication.
Results Father’s smoking commencing preconception was associated with methylation of blood DNA in offspring at two Cytosine-phosphate-Guanine sites (CpGs) (False Discovery Rate (FDR) <0.05) in PRR5 and CENPP. Father’s pubertal onset smoking was associated with 19 CpGs (FDR <0.05) mapped to 14 genes (TLR9, DNTT, FAM53B, NCAPG2, PSTPIP2, MBIP, C2orf39, NTRK2, DNAJC14, CDO1, PRAP1, TPCN1, IRS1 and CSF1R). These differentially methylated sites were hypermethylated and associated with promoter regions capable of gene silencing. Some of these sites were associated with offspring outcomes in this cohort including ever-asthma (NTRK2), ever-wheezing (DNAJC14, TPCN1), weight (FAM53B, NTRK2) and BMI (FAM53B, NTRK2) (P< 0.05). Pathway analysis showed enrichment for gene ontology pathways including regulation of gene expression, inflammation and innate immune responses.
Conclusion Father’s preconception smoking, particularly in puberty, is associated with offspring DNA methylation, providing evidence that epigenetic mechanisms may underly epidemiological observations that pubertal paternal smoking increases risk of offspring asthma, low lung function and obesity.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
↵* Joint first authors
↵# Joint senior authors
Funding: Co-ordination of the RHINESSA study has received funding from the Research Council of Norway (Grants No. 274767, 214123, 228174, 230827 and 273838), ERC StG project BRuSH #804199, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 633212 (the ALEC Study), the Bergen Medical Research Foundation, and the Western Norwegian Regional Health Authorities (Grants No. 912011, 911892 and 911631). Study centres have further received local funding from the following: Bergen: the above grants for study establishment and co-ordination, and, in addition, World University Network (REF and Sustainability grants), Norwegian Labour Inspection, and the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association. Albacete and Huelva: Sociedad Española de Patología Respiratoria (SEPAR) Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS PS09). Gøteborg, Umeå and Uppsala: the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation, the Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association. Reykjavik: Iceland University. Melbourne: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia (research grants 299901 and 1021275). Tartu: the Estonian Research Council (Grant No. PUT562). Århus: The Danish Wood Foundation (Grant No. 444508795), the Danish Working Environment Authority (Grant No. 20150067134), Aarhus University (PhD scholarship). ALSPAC funding: EPIC arrays age 15-17, John Templeton Foundation (60828) and EPIC arrays age 24, MRC (MC_UU_12013/2) & CLOSER (MRC and ESRC).