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A Clock and Wavefront Self-Organizing Model Recreates the Dynamics of Mouse Somitogenesis in-vivo and in-vitro
View ORCID ProfileJulie Klepstad, View ORCID ProfileLuciano Marcon
Julie Klepstad
1Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology (CABD), CSIC - UPO - JA, Seville, Spain
Luciano Marcon
1Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology (CABD), CSIC - UPO - JA, Seville, Spain

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Posted January 17, 2024.
A Clock and Wavefront Self-Organizing Model Recreates the Dynamics of Mouse Somitogenesis in-vivo and in-vitro
Julie Klepstad, Luciano Marcon
bioRxiv 2023.01.18.524516; doi:
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