Selection upon intrinsic fitness differences is one of the most basic mechanisms of evolution, fundamental to all biology. Equally, within macroscopic populations and microscopic environments, ecological interactions influence evolution. Direct experimental evidence of ecological selection between microscopic agents continues to grow. Whilst eco-evolutionary dynamics describes how interactions influence population fitness and composition, we build a model that allows ecological aspects of these interactions to fall on a spectrum independent of the intrinsic fitness of the population. With our mathematical framework, we show how ecological interactions between mutating populations modify the estimated evolutionary trajectories expected from monoculture fitnesses alone. We derive and validate analytical stationary solutions to our partial differential equations that depend on intrinsic and ecological terms, and mutation rates. We determine cases in which these interactions modify evolution in such ways as to, for example, maintain or invert existing monoculture fitness differences. This work discusses the importance of understanding ecological and intrinsic selection effects to avoid misleading conclusions from experiments and defines new ways to assess this balance from experimental results. Using published experimental data, we also show evidence that real microbiological systems can span intrinsic fitness dominant and ecological-effect dominant regimes and that ecological contributions can change with an environment to exaggerate or counteract the composite populations’ intrinsic fitness differences.
Conflict of Interest Statement The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
↵† michael.hinczewski{at}case.edu, scottj10{at}ccf.org
Figures edited for clarity. Masking, mimicry, maintenance in experimental populations fleshed out. Inclusion of eco-evo boundary.