Accurate and low-cost next generation sequencing technologies make re-sequencing of large populations of a species possible. Although many studies related to artificial selection signatures of commercial and indigenous chickens have been carried out, quite a small number of genes have been found to be under selection. In this study, we re-sequenced 85 individuals of five indigenous chicken breeds with distinct traits from Yunnan, a southwest province of China. By analyzing these indigenous chickens together with 116 individuals of commercial chickens (broilers and layers) and 35 individuals of red jungle fowl, we find a substantially large number of selective sweeps and affected genes for each chicken breed using a rigorous statistic model than previously reported. We confirm most of previously identified selective sweeps and affected genes. Meanwhile the vast majority (∼98.3%) of our identified selective sweeps overlap known chicken quantitative trait loci. Thus, our predictions are highly reliable. For each breed, we also identify candidate genes and selective sweeps that might be related to the unique traits of the chickens.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
↵# These authors jointly supervised this work and should be address to zcsu{at}uncc.edu (ZS), junjingli2009{at}hotmail.com (JJ) and gcrzal{at}126.com (CG).