Background Spatial mapping of transcriptional states provides valuable biological insights into cellular functions and interactions in the context of the tissue. Accurate 3D cell segmentation is a critical step in the analysis of this data towards understanding diseases and normal development in situ. Current approaches designed to automate 3D segmentation include stitching masks along one dimension, training a 3D neural network architecture from scratch, and reconstructing a 3D volume from 2D segmentations on all dimensions. However, the applicability of existing methods is hampered by inaccurate segmentations along the non-stitching dimensions, the lack of high-quality diverse 3D training data, and inhomogeneity among different dimensions; as a result, they have not been widely used in practice.
Methods To address these challenges, we formulate the problem of finding cell correspondence across layers with a novel optimal transport (OT) approach. We propose CellStitch, a flexible pipeline that segments cells from 3D images without requiring large amounts of 3D training data. We further extend our method to interpolate internal slices from highly anisotropic cell images to recover isotropic cell morphology.
Results We evaluated the performance of CellStitch through eight 3D plant microscopic datasets with diverse anisotropic levels and cell shapes. CellStitch substantially outperforms the state-of-the art methods on anisotropic images, and achieves comparable segmentation quality against competing methods in isotropic setting. We benchmarked and reported 3D segmentation results of all the methods with instance-level precision, recall and average precision (AP) metrics.
Conclusion The proposed OT-based 3D segmentation pipeline outperformed the existing state-of-the-art methods on different datasets with nonzero anisotropy, providing high fidelity recovery of 3D cell morphology from microscopic images.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.