Background String-pulling tasks have been used for centuries to study coordinated bimanual motor behavior and problem solving. String pulling is rapidly learned, ethologically grounded, and has been applied to many species and disease conditions. Assessment of string-pulling behaviors is labor intensive due to the lack of integrated hardware and software systems for training and analyzing the behavior or for synchronizing measurements with neurophysiological recordings.
New Method We present the PANDA system (Pulling And Neural Data Analysis), a system that utilizes a continuous string loop connected to a rotary encoder, feeder, microcontroller, high-speed camera, and analysis software for assessment and training of string-pulling behaviors and synchronization with neural recording data.
Results We demonstrate this system in unimplanted rats and rats implanted with electrodes in motor cortex and hippocampus and show how the PANDA system can be used to assess relationships between paw movements and single-unit and local-field activity.
Comparison with Existing Method(s) String-pulling is typically shaped by tying food reward to the end of a string and manually scoring behavior. Consequently, string-pulling bouts are short and require frequent manual re-baiting. The system presented here automates training, integrates deep-learning guided video tracking and behavior assessment. Importantly, automation dramatically increases the length of string pulled to >100 meters per 15-minute session.
Conclusions The PANDA system will be of general use to researchers investigating motor control, motivation, and motor disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and stroke. It will also support the investigation of neural mechanisms involved in sensorimotor integration.
High-speed tracking of continuous grasping and pulling behaviors.
Automated and adaptive reinforcement of string-pulling behavior.
Integration with neural recording and video tracking systems.
Open-source software and hardware.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
Contact information for each author Gianna A. Jordan gianna.a.jordan{at}gmail.com
Abhilasha Vishwanath avishwanath{at}arizona.edu
Gabriel Holguin grholguin{at}arizona.edu
Mitchell J. Bartlett mbartlet{at}arizona.edu
Andrew K. Tapia andrewtapia{at}arizona.edu
Gabriel M. Winter gmwinter{at}arizona.edu
Morgan R. Sexauer msexauer{at}wisc.com
Carolyn J. Stopera cstopera{at}arizona.edu
Torsten Falk tfalk{at}arizona.edu
Supplemental Files
The supplemental pdf contains additional designs and behavioral data and has been uploaded. This information can also be found at the main GitHub String Pulling System repository.
Source code and 3D and laser cut design files can be found at: https://github.com/CowenLab/String_Pulling_System/
Videos are in the GitHub repository at: https://github.com/CowenLab/String_Pulling_System/tree/main/Videos
Pulling and Neural Data Analysis (PANDA)