Oligodendrocytes continue to differentiate from their precursor cells even in adulthood, a process that can be modulated by neuronal activity and experience. Yet, our understanding of the functional role of adult oligodendrogenesis remains limited. Previous work has indicated that conditional ablation of oligodendrogenesis in adult mice can lead to learning and memory deficits in a range of behavioural tasks. Our results, reported here, have replicated a key finding that learning to run on a complex wheel with unevenly spaced rungs is disrupted by ablation of oligodendrogenesis. However, using ex vivo MRI (MTR and DTI), we also found that ablating oligodendrogenesis by itself alters brain microstructure, independent of behavioural experience. Furthermore, in vivo EEG recording in behaviourally naïve mice with ablated oligodendrogenesis revealed altered brain activity in the form of increased EEG power density across a broad frequency range. Together, our data indicate that disrupting the formation of new oligodendrocytes directly alters brain microstructure and activity. This suggests a role for adult oligodendrogenesis in the maintenance of brain function and indicates that task-independent changes to brain structure and function might contribute to the learning and memory deficits associated with oligodendrogenesis ablation.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
They are no significant differences between this version and previous versions of the manuscript. - Only Suppl Fig. 3 was updated as it contained a small errors introduced by editing.