The realization of artificial molecular motors with autonomous functionality and high performance is one of the major challenges in biophysics. Such motors provide not only new dimensions in biotechnologies but also a novel approach for the bottom-up elucidation of biological molecular motors. For practical applications, directionality and scalability are critical factors. However, the simultaneous realization of both remains a challenge. In this study, we propose a novel design of a rotary motor that can be fabricated using currently available technology, DNA origami, and validate its functionality by simulations with practical parameters. We demonstrate that the motor rotates unidirectionally and processively in the direction defined by the structural asymmetry. The motor also exhibits scalability in that increasing the number of motor legs allows for a larger speed, run length, and stall force. Because of its simple mechanism, a broad range of applications is expected.
Statement of Significance Biological molecular motors are the most sophisticated nanomachines in nature. Despite a long research history, we have yet to understand how they work in detail. A simple and promising approach for this purpose is to build artificial molecular motors. The process of achieving them helps us to understand how biological motors are designed. Some artificial motors have already been achieved. However, each realization implements only part of the characteristics that biological motors possess. In this work, we propose a novel motor mechanism that simultaneously implements two essential characteristics: scalability and directionality. The results would help us improve the biophysics of molecular motors and contribute to achieving high-performance artificial molecular motors with possible industrial applications.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.