Our brain can filter and integrate external information with internal representations to accomplish goal-directed behavior. The ability to switch between tasks effectively in response to context and external stimuli is a hallmark of cognitive control. Task switching occurs rapidly and efficiently, allowing us to perform multiple tasks with ease. Similarly, artificial intelligence can be tailored to exhibit multitask capabilities and achieve high performance across domains. In this study, we delve into neural representations learned by task-switching feedforward networks, which use task-specific biases for multitasking mediated by context inputs. Task-specific biases are learned by alternating the tasks the neural network learns during training. By using two-alternative choice tasks, we find that task-switching networks produce representations that resemble other multitasking paradigms, namely parallel networks in the early stages of processing and independent subnetworks in later stages. This transition in information processing is akin to that in the cortex. We then analyze the impact of inserting task contexts in different stages of processing, and the role of its location in the alignment between the task and the stimulus features. To confirm the generality of results, we display neural representations during task switching for different task and data sets. In summary, the use of context inputs improves the interpretability of feedforward neural networks for multitasking, setting the basis for studying architectures and tasks of higher complexity, including biological microcircuits in the brain carrying out context-dependent decision making.
Action selection is the result of interactions between different aspects, such as external inputs, specific contexts and goals (Monsell, 2003). Alternating tasks efficiently, task switching, is a hallmark of cognitive control. In the brain, the main area that has been related with task switching and cognitive control is the prefrontal cortex (PFC) (K. Johnston et al., 2007). The PFC is believed to contain different microcircuits that provide rule encoding and top-down regulation (Menon & D’Esposito, 2022) to other brain areas transitioning from sensory processing to action selection. However, the exact mechanisms are not fully understood. One hypothesis, the gating theory (Miller & Cohen, 2001), posits that the PFC mediates the activation of different neural pathways by sending top-down context modulations. Many neural circuit models have been proposed to explain task switching in the brain (J. D. Cohen et al., 1990; Botvinick et al., 2001; Rougier & O’Reilly, 2002; Ardid & Wang, 2013). More recently, artificial neural networks have been analyzed as models of neural computation,
Internal Neural Representations in Task Switching Guided by Context Biases many findings suggesting their practicality for assessing brain theories (Richards et al., 2019), including the study of context in cognitive control in humans and machines (Mante et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2019).
Two main paradigms have been compared in terms of information processing in artificial neural networks (Ruder, 2017; Crawshaw, 2020): According to independent processing, different modules or subnetworks are specialized in isolation one from the others, ensuring the allocation of specific resources for distinct modalities and avoiding interference. However, independent processing relies on duplicating resources to execute multiple tasks in isolation. In parallel processing, in contrast, distinct modalities are processed simultaneously within a same network. Through the course of learning, parallel networks can benefit from shared internal representations between tasks (Caruana, 1997). Shared representations help regularizing and promoting generalization, improving network performance across domains (Ruder, 2017). However, parallel networks strictly require executing all tasks at once, which can be consuming and inefficient.
Inspired by the role of the PFC in goal-directed behavior, we introduce the task-switching network, which aligns with task-specific context-dependent decision making. During training, task-switching networks learn specific context biases for each task. Yet, abundant shared representations remain in task-switching networks due to shared weight parameters across tasks. Context biases, nevertheless, help routing subnetworks in downstream layers that execute either task, regulating the mode at which the network operates: parallel or independent.
Previous research explored using task contexts in neural networks to analyze multitask efficiency (Musslick et al., 2017; Ravi et al., 2020), to compare neural geometry with that in the brain (Flesch, Juechems, et al., 2022), or as task embeddings for multitasking in computer vision applications (Sun et al., 2021). In this study, however, we focus on comparing context-dependent decision making with independent and parallel processing by analyzing internal neural representations in task-switching networks. For this, we apply population analysis techniques developed to investigate how neural computations associate stimulus features with task demands (Kriegeskorte et al., 2008; Jazayeri & Ostojic, 2021), and to investigate internal neural representations in artificial neural networks (Bengio et al., 2013; Ito & Murray, 2021; Ito et al., 2022; Flesch, Juechems, et al., 2022).
First, we compare the representations learned by independent, parallel and task-switching networks (Section Task-switching networks operate in a midway regime between independent and parallel networks). We observe that task-switching networks produce representations that resemble parallel networks in the first layers of processing, whereas representations transition toward those of independent subnetworks in latter layers. Remarkably, we show that task-switching networks, by using context biases, potentiate shared internal representations further than parallel networks when learning several tasks simultaneously. We also show that independent and task-switching in contrast to parallel networks underlie neural representations that disentangle the reconstruction of the task, increasing the interpretability of the model. Unexpectedly, task-switching networks show that there is a continuity in information processing, with independent and parallel networks being the two opposite extremes. In fact, task-switching networks transition from one to the other based on context allocation (Section Context location determines the transition between independent and parallel processing).
We next analyze the impact of the context positioning and of its magnitude at different stages of neural processing. Our results show that contexts introduced at mid processing drive neural activity more strongly, akin to the strength of attentional modulations in sensory cortices (Section Context impact is maximal at intermediate layers). Intermediate layers in our model still show parallel processing, summarized by task similarity (Section Task-switching networks encode task similarity), but initiate the transition towards specific task execution. After that, we show that trained task-switching networks are able to extrapolate, generalizing task biases for a wide range of unseen context strengths, while the network still displays robust behavior (Section Task-switching networks are robust against physiological context modulations). Finally, we employ clustering techniques to identify neural ensembles in task-switching networks according to their selectivity to sensory features and task information (Section Neural selectivity emerges to resolve task execution).
The results in this article demonstrate that the use of context inputs significantly enhances the interpretability of feedforward neural networks supporting multitasking. Particularly relevant is the theoretical approach introduced in methods (see Section Final representation motifs), based on generalizing the definition of congruency (see Section Generalized congruency), that is able to predict with high accuracy the final internal representations of individual, parallel and task-switching networks. We hope that the approach and insights presented in this manuscript serve to better understand multitasking in network architectures of higher complexity, including neural circuits in the brain materializing context-dependent decision making.
Neural representations in brain circuits refer to patterns of activity associated with information processing, for instance encoding features of the environment (Vilarroya, 2017). Similarly, in neural network models, we can use neural representations to refer to different patterns of activity arising from internal processing, for instance for different stimulus inputs. We can investigate the representations learned by neural networks seeking direct mappings between stimuli and their representations, but also by examining the similarities in representations elicited by different stimuli (Edelman, 1998).
Task-switching networks operate in a midway regime between independent and parallel networks
In systems neuroscience, a widely used methodology to estimate the similarity of different stimuli is the representational similarity analysis (RSA) (Kriegeskorte et al., 2008). In this study, we delve into the similarity between neural representations of independent, parallel and task-switching networks (Fig 1). Detailed information of their architecture is described in the Section Neural network architectures.
To study internal representations in these neural network models, we used the two-alternative choice with two tasks, parity and value (see Sections Two-alternative choice tasks and Training for details). We first visualized the representational dissimilarity matrices (RDMs) for the different architectures (Fig 2a). The RDM describes the (dis-)similarity between activation patterns. Using this technique, we can contrast activation patterns in different conditions, such as patterns for different inputs in the same task, same inputs in distinct tasks, and different inputs in distinct tasks.
The RDM was built by grouping, in terms of stimulus inputs (e.g., digit images), the neural activations of each layer. Through all tasks and for each distinct stimulus input (e.g., distinct digit label in 0–9), we averaged the neural activity and computed their dissimilarity (see Section Representational dissimilarity matrix for further details). The final RDM is a symmetric matrix where the main-diagonal blocks show the dissimilarity in red (similarity in blue) of activations within each task (main diagonal blocks) and between tasks (off-diagonal blocks).
By inspecting the resulting RDMs (Fig 2a), task-specific responses can be directly decoded in the final stage of internal processing (layer 5) for independent and task-switching networks. However, this is not the case for parallel networks. Intriguingly, the emerging pattern in parallel networks is also noticed in task-switching networks up to intermediate processing (layer 3). However, the patterns thereafter evolve differently between the two networks.
From RDMs, we obtained the RSA that provides an overall degree of similarity between the representations of the distinct networks. The RSA was estimated analyzing the pairwise Pearson correlation between RDM’s main diagonal blocks (Fig 2b). We computed the mean Pearson correlation and its SD across different training initializations (n = 10 runs). These results confirm that task-switching networks behave very similarly to parallel networks in the first stages of processing, yet task-switching networks then evolve differently to end up behaving akin to independent networks. To better understand these patterns see the theoretical approach we developed in Section Final representation motifs.
Next, we developed a metric to estimate shared representation from the similarity of representations across tasks (Caruana, 1997), which we applied to each model and layer (Fig 2c). Shared representations were derived from RDM’s off-diagonal blocks (see Section Shared representations). Results show that parallel and task-switching networks show significant shared representations, indicative of networks learning common representations for the different tasks. In contrast, the results for the independent network only show noise correlations since the different subnetworks composing independent processing are mutually disconnected.
To test the generality of these results, we applied an identical approach to (i) a different dataset: the two-alternative choice tasks based on the processing of letters (S1 Fig S1, (ii) an increased number of tasks: five distinct two-alternative choice tasks based on digit processing (S1 Fig S2). Results were robust in all cases and conditions: task-switching networks resemble parallel and independent in early and advanced processing, respectively.
Remarkably, shared representations diminished after increasing the number of distinct two-alternative choice tasks (Fig 2c vs S1 Fig S2b). Yet, the task-switching network, unlike the parallel network, boosted shared representations in the final processing stage. In this analysis, we specifically inspected the representations learned for parity and value, when the network was trained for two tasks, and compared them with those after training five tasks: {parity, value} plus {prime, fibonacci, multiples of 3}. In the latter, we cropped the RDM for parity and value to ease the comparison (S1 Fig S3). Even though intermediate processing was treated differently in the two conditions, the final representation motif did not vary between the two conditions (S1 Fig S3, layer 5).
Section Final representation motifs relates the final stage of processing patterns in the RDM with the generalized congruency between tasks and stimuli (see Section Generalized congruency). This theoretical approach also specifies a theoretical convergence value of shared representations. The results from this analysis shows that the same underlying principles shape internal neural representations in task-switching and parallel networks regardless of the number of tasks.
The discrepancy in task scalability between task-switching and parallel networks (Fig 2c vs S1 Fig S2b) relies on the fact that parallel networks cannot resolve the task until reaching the output layer, when independent synaptic connections map neural activity to different task responses O1 - OT (see Fig 1). Training minimizes the amount of errors, by shaping the activations to encode the average task similarity. This encoding becomes progressively less efficient as the number of tasks increases, which is a limitation of parallel networks (see S1 Fig S20). For a deeper understanding of shared representations in parallel and task-switching networks see Section Final representation motifs).
As a control, we assessed the performance of the three architectures by analyzing the accuracy of the tasks. The major intention of this analysis was to show that the accuracy in all networks was robust: high and similar accuracy, regardless of the architecture (S1 Fig S4a). Only when performance was evaluated simultaneously for the two tasks (see Section Two-alternative choice tasks), minor differences reached significance between independent and parallel networks, and between independent and task-switching networks (Wilcoxon Signed-
Rank Test, p < 0.001). This might be explained in terms of parameter sharing, i.e., weights and biases that are shared between tasks in parallel and task-switching networks, which may regularize the network performance (Ruder, 2017). However, this represents a rather small size effect. We conducted the same analysis when using five tasks (S1 Fig S4b), as well as applied to two tasks using letters instead of digits (S1 Fig S5), with results in all conditions showing a similar trend.
Context location determines the transition between independent and parallel processing
Research suggests that the brain benefits from parallel processing underlying sensory processing (Rousselet et al., 2002), but goal-directed behavior, on the other hand, relies on mechanisms controlling covert selective attention and overt action selection. These mechanisms are better captured by task-specific context-dependent decision-making, possibly due to cognitive and physical limitations in the number of actions we can perform in parallel (Sigman & Dehaene, 2008). When performing many tasks, the brain can swift between parallel vs. independent processing, depending of task conditions (Fischer & Plessow, 2015). Here, we investigated the impact of context inputs in determining how task-switching networks transition between parallel and independent processing. To gain higher precision in the evolution of neural representations at different processing stages, we increased the size of the models from 5 to 10 layers (See Section Training).
We compared independent and parallel networks with task-switching networks, in which contexts were added in the first, in the last, or in every hidden layer of the network. For simplicity, we refer to these networks as First, Last and All layers, respectively. We analyzed task correlations between models across layers to quantify the impact of context inputs with respect to their location.
First, we compared how the context position in the (First and Last) layers affects the representations compared to the All layers condition (Fig 3a). At early processing stages, Last and All layers locations behave very much alike, but the pattern is reversed later during advanced processing. From this analysis, we infer that contexts in the first layers are not playing an important role in the All layers condition since the similarity with the Last layer condition is very high.
Since the transition in Fig 3a, resembles that of Fig 2b, we compared independent and parallel networks with the First and Last layer networks, to quantify to what extent First and Last layers networks are representative of independent and parallel networks, respectively. We observe that task correlations between these models are very high (Fig 3b) in clear contrast to the opposite pairing (Fig 3c). These results suggest that the position of contexts determine the regime in which task-switching networks operate while performing multiple tasks. Contexts added only to the the first layer, drive representations similar to independent networks, whereas adding the contexts only in the last layer promotes parallel processing. Interestingly, task-switching networks with context in all layers (Fig 3d) promote parallel processing in early stages, to only transition to specific task processing thereafter, even though there are no location constraints for context inputs in the All layers model. Such optimal transition emerges from learning as the network converges to the best solution through training.
Results from a multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis applied to RDMs (Jazayeri & Ostojic, 2021; Bernardi et al., 2020) (see details in Section Multidimensional scaling) further support this interpretation: adding context only in the first layer separates the representations of digits from both tasks, whereas postponing the context presence until the last layer, contrarily, prevents the separation of parity and value tasks (S1 Fig S6).
Context impact is maximal at intermediate layers
Context inputs in task-switching networks can be seen as top-down inputs from PFC circuits mediating rule encoding in context-dependent decision making (Miller & Cohen, 2001; Menon & D’Esposito, 2022). The strength of the context may depend on the stage at which it is integrated into the sensory-response processing (Gilbert & Sigman, 2007). In many tasks, a progressive increase of attentional modulations in the visual cortex has been reported (Motter, 1993; McAdams & Maunsell, 1999).
In this section, we assess the strength and correlation of context inputs in the task-switching network (Fig 4). Previously, Flesch, Juechems, et al. (2022), observed anticorrelation between the task biases induced by context inputs in shallow networks with a single hidden layer. Here, we extend the analysis to check the impact of context inputs when the processing hierarchy is considered.
As control, we performed the analysis first in independent networks, for which bias parameters are task-agnostic. Indeed, for independent networks, the impact of the biases was not particularly sensitive to location neither in strength (Fig 4a) nor in correlation (Fig 4b).
In contrast, when analyzing the context inputs in task-switching networks trained for the same tasks, we observed that the connection strength increased importantly in the intermediate layers (Fig 4c), akin to advanced sensory processing in cortex. This increase in magnitude suggests an important role of context inputs at routing the sensory information toward the final output selection according to the task in play. This was further confirmed by the strong anticorrelation between the connection strengths of context inputs belonging to distinct tasks (Fig 4d). Analogous results were obtained for letter processing (S1 Fig S7. The distribution of connection strengths was very similar as well for digit processing with five tasks (S1 Fig S8).
We extended this analysis for independent and task-switching networks with different numbers of context and layers in S1 Fig S9, S1 Fig S10 and S1 Fig S11. Each row in these figures represents a different context configuration and each column denotes the index of the layer (we fixed the maximum number of layers to 10). Colored cells according to the heatmap refer to layers with context inputs at that position (S1 Fig S9, S1 Fig S10 and S1 Fig S11), whereas gray cells refer to layers with no context inputs (S1 Fig S9 and S1 Fig S10), and missing cells in S1 Fig S11 denote the absence of the layer, so networks were shallower. We tried four different settings: adding context inputs starting from the first layer (S1 Fig S9a), adding context inputs starting from the last layer (S1 Fig S9b), adding context inputs only at a particular layer (S1 Fig S10), and adding layers with context inputs progressively (S1 Fig S11). For all these conditions, we calculated the mean magnitude for each task (left and center panels) and the correlation between context-mediated task biases (right panels). Results from these analyses helped confirming that context inputs are stronger and more anticorrelated at mid-processing stages. Introducing context inputs only in a single layer results in even stronger magnitude and anticorrelation, regardless of the context location. Adding more layers did not affect the location where the magnitude of contexts and anticorrelation was the highest, which remained at intermediate layers.
Task-switching networks encode task similarity
Experimental evidence suggests that neural coding in the brain may emerge by composition of simpler rules (Vaidya et al., 2021). In the PFC, the neural code used to store rule information over time is highly compositional (Reverberi et al., 2012). Neural network models extract task compositionality in paradigms designed by composition (Ito et al., 2022; Verbeke & Verguts, 2022). Since all parameters but those of contexts are shared in task-switching networks, context inputs are responsible for triggering the task processing.
In this section, we extend the correlation analysis between context connections across tasks (Fig 5a). We trained a ten-layer task-switching network in five different digit tasks. Some layers show only positive correlations (layer 1 and layers 7-10). Larger variability of pairwise task correlations is present in intermediate layers (layers 4-6), which include negative and positive correlations. We hypothesized that this variability might be associated with task similarity and influenced by the task congruency. To test this, we compared the pairwise context correlation matrix (that we will refer to as the similarity matrix), with the pairwise mean task congruency matrix, extracted from Table 2 after linearly scaling values from [0, 1] to [-1,1] (Fig 5b). The correlation between contexts in layer 4 was very tightly aligned with the scaled mean congruency between tasks.
We quantified this further by computing the pairwise correlation between the scaled mean task congruency and the similarity matrix between context connections across layers (S1 Fig S12). The highest correlation occurs in layers 3–5 (S1 Fig S12), coinciding with the layers where the strengths of context connections were the largest (S1 Fig S8). Thus, in the sequence of internal processing, task-switching networks learn through training to first extract the mean task congruency in intermediate layers (S1 Fig S12). From there, task-switching networks unwrap the task similarity making shared representations grow toward the final goal (see Fig 2c, S1 Fig S1 and S1 Fig S2).
We further assessed the similarity between tasks from the similarity matrix in layer 4, using three methods: firstly, we computed a dendrogram (Sun et al., 2021), in which distance was represented by dissimilarity (1 − r, where r represents the correlation coefficient, Fig 5c); secondly, we applied multidimensional scaling to create a 2D low-dimensional projection of the similarity matrix (S1 Fig S13); finally, we trained a linear decoder to study how layers extracted features along the processing in the network (Alain & Bengio, 2016; Kriegeskorte & Douglas, 2019) (S1 Fig S14). The latter analysis reveals that independent networks primarily encode the task output regardless the layer (S1 Fig S14, mid panels), while parallel networks primarily encode congruency (S1 Fig S14, right panels). In contrast, task-switching networks are versatile. The model starts classifying the stimulus by type (S1 Fig S14, left panels), then groups stimuli according to congruency (S1 Fig S14, right panels), and finally maps them to the right task output (S1 Fig S14, mid panels). These results also support the hypothesis that task-switching networks learn to extract congruency information between tasks as an intermediate process toward the task goal.
Task-switching networks are robust against physiological context modulations
In Task-switching networks, complimentary binary contexts 0/1 specify the task to perform. After training, we can modulate the strength of context inputs to analyze its impact in neural representations and network performance, akin to the strength of task signals in the PFC and their impact on task-relevant information processing (Egner & Hirsch, 2005).
First, we interpolated the values of context inputs between [0, 1] for the two tasks keeping their sum to 1 (see methods Section Context bias interpolation). We can make an analogy for context values in the ]0, 1[ range, so that values take into account the conflict between competing tasks (Fischer & Plessow, 2015), or the uncertainty in the context-encoding neural circuit, reinforced for instance by probabilistic paradigms. Results show that the transition between tasks (from value to parity) was smooth (Fig 6). There is a progressive change from one task to the other without an abrupt transition. The neural representations at 0.5 showed an intermediate state between tasks, where the accuracy (0.8) was at chance level, once the congruency baseline (0.6) was considered.
We then incremented the value of both contexts together from 0 to 1 (Fig 6b). This is a way to parametrically analyze performance according to context strength when both tasks are equally likely. The accuracy stayed close to chance level (0.8), regardless of the context strength. The internal representations, displayed in the RDM panels, show that the network operates midway between the two tasks, generalizing the observation in Fig 6a, when both tasks had the context strength equal to 0.5.
Lastly, we analyzed the case when one context strength was varied keeping the other at zero, and tested for values lower and greater than one (Fig 6c). Values lower than one can be related to weak context modulations, whereas values greater than one are useful to infer behavior against aberrant context inputs, such as those that could be originated from abnormal activity in the prefrontal cortex. Results indicate that networks are robust against fluctuations in context strength in a wide range. Concretely, we observed that even though the strength of independent contexts was reduced to 0.5, or enhanced to 5, the network was still reaching an accuracy close to optimal. Beyond those points, however, performance was significantly impaired (Fig 6c). When the context dramatically increased, the network was unable to process the stimulus (digit) upon which select the task output, which led to a decrease in accuracy. This occurred because the information about the task to perform masked the digit identity, and both are needed for proper action selection.
These results align with a neuroscience perspective of context-dependent decision making: task performance depends on how the context maps the sensory information to the appropriate response. In general, this mapping depends on (a) context uncertainty: biased competition between rule encoding cells in prefrontal cortex unbalance the probability to respond according to either task; and on (b) context strength, akin to the strength of top-down modulations, according to which we can observe three distinct scenarios: when the context strength is abnormally weak, the task to perform is uncertain, and performance collapses (Papyan et al., 2020) to a chance level based on the mean task congruency (Fig 6c, left side); when the context strength is within a physiological range, performance is close to optimal for all tasks (Fig 6c, center); and when context strength is abnormally high, performance is dramatically impaired approaching a 1/N chance level, where N represents the number of alternative responses (Fig 6c, right side). In this latter scenario, there is complete certainty about the task to perform, yet the context input is so strong that masks the sensory information, resulting an equal probability to select either output response.
Neural selectivity emerges to resolve task execution
Distinct neural assemblies in the brain coordinate to process information and shape neurons’ selectivity (Hebb, 1949). There is evidence in favor of subnetworks acting as units of processing, which is known as the neural population doctrine (Yuste, 2015; Saxena & Cunningham, 2019; Ebitz & Hayden, 2021).
We hypothesized that similar mechanisms operate in task-switching networks, so that neurons may be grouped by contextual information into different subnetworks. Clustering techniques upon neural data can be utilized to functionally characterize group of neurons that act similarly (Ardid et al., 2015). To test our hypothesis and investigate the emergence of subnetworks in task-switching networks, we clustered neural activations. The goal of the analysis was to characterize different neuron assemblies according to the stimulus input and task context (see details in Section Clustering of neural activations).
Fig 7 shows the mean activation of neurons in the parity and value tasks for the two clusters when presented each one of the digit inputs. The removed panel was obtained when no context information was introduced to the task-switching network. Results from this analysis identifies two clusters, or neural assemblies. For the parity task, we found a cluster encoding even digits (in blue) and another cluster enconding odd digits (in red). And similarly for the value task, encoding values smaller than or equal to four (in blue), or larger values (in red). The congruent digits (same output for the two tasks) showed the most salient activations. In fact, when context inputs were removed, neural assemblies collapsed, encoding only the congruent digits (Papyan et al., 2020), and entailing that context inputs are responsible for the increase in activation for incongruent stimuli. In addition to the congruent/incongruent asymmetry, the patterns of activation also showed an asymmetry between output classes: in the parity task, the activations to even digits were dominant against odd digits, and similarly in the value task for the activations to values smaller than or equal to four against larger values. The predominant output classes varied randomly for different runs.
We also repeated the analysis using five digit tasks (S1 Fig S15). In this analysis, we observe that the two different neural assemblies encode different digits depending on task context, showing that ensembles in task-switching networks can be tuned to the interaction of stimulus and task identities.
In this study, we conducted a series of analyses with multitask networks, namely independent, parallel and task-switching networks. We studied these networks using representational similarity analysis (RSA) (Kriegeskorte et al., 2008; Kriegeskorte & Kievit, 2013), a methodology developed in neuroscience to relate task and stimuli with internal representations (Fig 2). We defined shared representations as a function of the off-diagonal of the representational dissimilarity matrices (RDM). The amount of shared representations of a network depends on the architecture and the tasks to be learned. For instance, independent networks have low shared representation by design, since there is no parameter sharing between task modules. In the case of task-switching and parallel networks, shared representations are related to the generalized congruency between tasks. The generalized congruency is a powerful concept that we introduce in this manuscript as an extension of the traditional stimulus congruency and categorization definitions. Upon the generalized congruency, we were able to predict the final representation motifs of task-switching and parallel networks. This theoretical approach help distinguishing the final representational convergence of the two networks: single task processing (main diagonal) and pairwise task processing (off-diagonal) in the RDM of task-switching networks, regardless of the number of tasks (S1 Fig S19). In contrast, the final motif in parallel networks represent multitask processing and vary with the number of tasks. Increasing the number of tasks, degrade the RDM patterns of activation in parallel networks, affecting their interpretability by visual inspection, even though our theoretical approach explains the final motif for parallel networks as a linear combination of tasks union and intersection (S1 Fig S20). This discrepancy between the two architectures is reflected on diminished shared representations for parallel in comparison to task-switching networks.
Context inputs facilitate feature extraction in alignment with the task they encode, but their impact depends on their position in network’s processing. When context is only added in the last hidden layer, task-switching networks mostly operate as parallel networks, since there is no context information beforehand to route activity toward the task. On the other hand, training task-switching networks with the context input only in the first hidden layer precludes the extraction of common task features, as it happens in independent networks (Fig 3). Our results suggest that independent and parallel networks can be seen as particular task-switching networks, if contexts are introduced only in early processing stages (independent networks), or if context inputs are removed or delayed (parallel networks). This picture also emerges when contexts are continuously varied in the [0, 1] interval: the pattern of parallel shared representations appear for diminished context inputs, whereas the pattern of independent representations emerge as context inputs grow (Fig 6c).
We estimated the importance of context biases in the network processing by analyzing the magnitude of their connections at different processing stages. Biases with higher magnitude affect neurons in greater measure. Hence, a way to activate different downstream subnetworks is through biases having dissimilar impact upon distinct neurons. In artificial neural networks, mechanisms for activating different subnetworks to perform different tasks have been previously studied (Rosenbaum et al., 2017; Wortsman et al., 2020). Our results show that intermediate layers have greater importance at modulating downstream activation (Fig 4b, S1 Fig S9 top panel and S1 Fig S11). Moreover, the highest anticorrelation between context connections also occurs in the same layers (Fig 4b, S1 Fig S9 top panel and S1 Fig S11), supporting the mechanism. We also investigated the correlation between context connections after learning a larger amount of tasks. This analysis informed that the layers with greatest magnitude learn task similarity by encoding the pairwise mean task congruency (Fig 5). The interpretation was also supported after training a linear decoder to study how layers extracted features along the processing in the network (Alain & Bengio, 2016; Kriegeskorte & Douglas, 2019) (S1 Fig S14).
Lastly, we analyzed how learning shaped neurons’ selectivity in task-switching networks. We observed that neurons in the last layer clustered together according to the task and the output response (Fig 7). These results suggest that the integration of the stimulus and context information drive the activation of different subnetworks, promoting the selectivity of distinct cell assemblies. Further work could investigate if single cells in the assemblies present non-linear mixed selectivity (Rigotti et al., 2013), argued to promote reliable coding strategies in the presence of noise (W. J. Johnston et al., 2020), and to increase the dimensionality of neural representation, suggested to facilitate linear decoding by downstream neurons (Fusi et al., 2016).
Our work shows that context biases are able to guide goal-directed behavior in simple feedforward neural networks, as they do in brain circuits of living agents. For the sake of explainability, applying our theoretical approach and extending our study of neural representations to more sophisticated biological and artificial systems may help shedding light on the internal processing of complex architectures (Samek & Müller, 2019). In deep neural networks, the usage of contextual information has been explored in terms of fixed embeddings: task embeddings for multitasking (Li et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2021), class embeddings for conditional data generation (Brock et al., 2018), and embeddings for text-to-image generation (Radford et al., 2021). Further research could focus on the analysis of internal neural representations, to understanding the impact of fixed embeddings in comparison to context biases. Remarkably, context inputs have allowed networks to learn tasks sequentially (Masse et al., 2018; Serra et al., 2018; Grewal et al., 2021; Flesch, Nagy, et al., 2022), without forgetting previously learned tasks, hence avoiding catastrophic forgetting (French, 1999). The characterization of neural representations in complex architectures, however, is still pending, and our approach could set the basis for such studies.
Materials and methods
Neural network architectures
We conducted a set of analyses with three variants of a feedforward network (Rumelhart et al., 1986; Goodfel-low et al., 2016) in the context of multitask learning (Fig 1).
Parallel Network: All tasks 𝕋 = {t1, t2…tT }, assuming T tasks, are processed identically in hidden layers. Only the output layer accounts for task-independent responses. The output of each hidden layer in a parallel network is parameterized by y = f (WT x + b), where x denotes the inputs to the layer, f denotes the activation function, and W and b denote respectively shared synaptic weights and biases for all tasks. The only independent parameters appear in the output layer, which is parameterized by , where t denotes a specific task in the 𝕋 task set.
Independent Network: Each task is learned in isolation through unconnected subnetworks. Multitasking is performed by combining the independent outputs. The output of each layer in a independent network is parameterized by for each task t in 𝕋. Neither inputs, nor weights and bias parameters are shared across tasks since independent subnetworks are mutually disconnected.
Task-switching Network: Each task t in T is processed individually, even though parameters other than the context biases are fully shared. The output of each layer in a task-switching network is parameterized by yt = f (WT xt + bt). The same weights apply to all tasks, whereas context biases bt are task specific.
Task-switching networks require at least one layer with the context biases. We consider cases in which the context information is not presented to a subset of layers. For those, the output of layers before the introduction of contexts is not task specific y = f (WT x), whereas the output for layers following the introduction of contexts inherit task information only through their inputs xt: yt = f (WT xt). Mathematically, the former case is akin to the expression for hidden layers in parallel networks with the exception of missing the bias parameter, whereas the latter case shares with independent networks only the fact that the input is task specific. Nevertheless, we will show in results that these similarities suffice to replicate in the task-switching networks the internal representations of parallel and independent networks.
Context bias strength
The strength of the context biases in each hidden layer b ∈ ℝH, where H represents the number of neurons in the layer, is normalized by ||b|| according to the L2-norm: where bi represents the context bias to neuron i.
Context bias interpolation
Given two context biases b1 and b2, we can find a bias which is a linear combination b1 and b2:
By adding the constraint λ1 + λ2 = 1, we can interpolate from b1 to b2 by sweeping λ1: or from b2 to b1 by sweeping λ2:
We used this approach to interpolate the values of context inputs between [0, 1] for the two tasks in Fig 6, keeping their sum to 1.
Two-alternative choice tasks
In this study, we considered a two-alternative choice tasks using digits with the MNIST dataset (LeCun et al., 1998), and lowercase letters using the EMNIST dataset (G. Cohen et al., 2017). We mainly used the parity task (even vs. odd digits) and the value task (digits larger than four vs. not), which have been previously used in human experiments analyzing task switching (Monsell, 2003), and in neural networks analyzing multitasking (Bernardi et al., 2020).
To test the generality of our results, we also analyzed two-alternative choice tasks in the domain of letters, the vowel task (vowel vs. consonant) and the position task (first vs. second half of the alphabet).
In addition, to analyze task scalability, we designed up to five distinct digit tasks using the MNIST dataset. Assuming that the performance was independent among tasks, the joint accuracy for T tasks was inferred from the product of the probabilities to perform well in each individual task:
We also analyzed the impact of congruency in learning representations in the task-switching network. Table 1 enumerates the tasks and the expected output neuron of the network for digit tasks, i.e., the labels (0, for the first output neuron, and 1 for the second output neuron).
A stimulus is defined congruent for two or more tasks if the same output is selected for those tasks. For example, the number 0 is congruent for parity and value. The opposite, incongruency of a stimulus occurs when the output selection to a stimulus is different for the distinct tasks. Following the example, the number 6 is incongruent for parity and value. The congruency ratio between tasks is represented in Table 2.
In the two-alternative choice tasks with letters, we define vowels and the first half of the alphabet to take label 1, whereas consonants and the second half of the alphabet take label 0. A congruent letter for vowel and position would correspond, for instance, to the letter a. An incongruent letter would be, for example, letter b.
Strictly speaking, congruency applies to task-switching networks but not to independent and parallel networks since these networks do not share the same output neurons across tasks. However, for the sake of network processing interpretation, we generalize the concept of congruency in independent and parallel networks by keeping the output labeling of task-swiching networks across tasks (see Table 1).
Note also that the congruency does not directly imply task dependence: the probability to select an output neuron varies for each individual task even for a congruent stimulus to these tasks. Thus, the probability to select the correct output neuron for the 0 digit in the parity and value tasks is different, which is caused by the modulation of distinct context biases.
The total number of images in MNIST is 60,000, evenly distributed among digits. We split MNIST into a training set of 50,000 images and a test set of 10,000. For EMNIST, we used only a subset to guarantee that every lowercase letter had the same frequency. The total number of images in EMNIST was 49,296, with 1896 images for each letter. We split EMNIST into a training set of 41,080 images and a test set of 8216. For both datasets, we fixed the batch size to 100.
The models were implemented in PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2019). For each architecture, we trained two different models with 5 (Section Task-switching networks operate in a midway regime between independent and parallel networks) and 10 layers (Sections Context location determines the transition between independent and parallel processing, Context impact is maximal at intermediate layers, Task-switching networks encode task similarity, Task-switching networks are robust against physiological context modulations, Neural selectivity emerges to resolve task execution). For the task-switching network, we followed a interleaved shuffled schedule, where tasks were presented in random order during training (Flesch et al., 2018).
Networks were trained for 50 epochs. The number of hidden neurons per layer was fixed to 100. We used ReLU as the activation function (Glorot et al., 2011) and initialized weights and biases following a uniform distribution in the range , where I is the number of inputs to the layer. We used the Adam optimizer (Kingma & Ba, 2014) with the learning rate set to 0.001, β1 = 0.9 and β2 = 0.999, and selected cross-entropy as the loss function. We collected statistics over 10 different initializations (runs) for hypothesis testing, controlling the random number generator for reproducibility. We use the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test to test statistical significance between models across runs (Demšar, 2006).
Representational dissimilarity matrix
Representational dissimilarity matrices (RDMs) capture neurons’ coactivation (Kriegeskorte et al., 2008). We analyze RDMs for each hidden layer to quantify the dissimilarity of internal representations across task conditions and input stimuli, such as digits or letters.
Construction of RDMs
For each hidden layer, we construct an activation matrix of dimension H×T×S, where H runs over each neuron, T is the number of tasks, and S represents the number of stimulus types (digits or letters) in the test set. For each neuron, task and digit stimulus in 0–9 (or letter in a–z), we calculate the average neuron activation across the individual stimuli items (e.g., distinct handwritten 0’s). We then compute the correlation matrix R of dimension TS × TS, where Rij denotes the pairwise correlation between average activation vectors and . With these constraints, Rij ∈ [0, 1] for cosyne similarity, and Rij ∈ [−1, 1] for Pearson correlation.
The RDM is then calculated as: which is organized concatenating first by task, then by input type. For Pearson correlation, the RDM is bounded in the range [0, 2], 0 representing complete similarity (correlation) and 2 complete dissimilarity (anticorrelation). For cosyne similarity, the RDM is bounded in [0, 1], since all activations are ∈ℝ ≥0. This is because the ReLU activation function is used in the models in all hidden layers.
For independent and task-switching networks, the RDM can be computed directly. For independent networks, we have specific activity patterns from each network performing each task, and for task-switching networks, we have specific activity patterns originated from the same network under each task context. This is, however, not the case for parallel networks, since internal representations for both tasks are identical. For the sake of easing the comparison among models, the RDM of parallel networks is composed following tile concatenation from the same activation patterns.
Sensitivity to data variability
When constructing RDMs, we average the activations across inputs of the same type, such as different instances of the 0 digit or the a letter. Since the accuracy of the networks surpasses 90% accuracy for the tasks, the noise introduced by misclassification is negligible. S1 Fig S17 shows the comparison between RDMs with and without averaging.
To test the robustness of RDMs to data variability, we have added random gaussian noise parameterized by its standard deviation σ to test the degradation in the RDMs. We calculate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR): where ⟨s2⟩, denotes the average signal power (computed from the pixels’ intensity in the image), and σ2 is the noise variability. Results of this analysis (S1 Fig S18) show that even when the noise variability is of greater strength than the signal power (for example for σ = 0.5), noisy RDMs highly maintain the structure of noiseless RDMs. Yet, if noise variability is further increased (σ = 1), RDMs become harder to interpret visually, even though they significantly correlate with noiseless RDMs.
Shared representations
We estimated shared representations from RDMs. The RDMs are conformed by submatrices or blocks of size T × T, where T runs over tasks. This conforms two different regions, the main diagonal and the off-diagonal.
The total number of blocks of the RDM is T + 2OD, where T is the sum of the blocks in the main diagonal, which equals to the number of tasks, and OD includes the blocks in either the upper or the lower off-diagonal.
We estimated shared representations (SR) from the Pearson correlation between activation vectors belonging to the off-diagonal blocks. where OD is given by , and corresponds to the correlation at position ij of block k.
For completeness, task representations (TR) can be analogously computed repeating the approach over the blocks in the main diagonal:
The complete representation (CR) of the RDM corresponds to: since the number of blocks is T + 2OD and the RDM matrix is symmetric.
Generalized congruency
The concept of congruency is applied to specific stimuli, so that a stimulus is defined congruent (or incongruent) for two or more tasks if the same output (or different) is selected for those tasks. In this view, congruency separates stimuli into congruent and incongruent subclasses. Consequently, the concept is frequently referred to as stimulus congruency.
We realized that generalizing the definition of congruency, setting tasks and stimuli at the same level, is important to better interpret network internal representations. In this view, the generalized congruency is defined in terms of the same vs. different output for the two distinct conditions. Thus, if the output for task 1, when presented the i stimulus, is the same as the output for task 2, when presented the j stimulus, the two conditions are congruent; otherwise they are incongruent.
To better see this, we can examine a couple of generalized congruency conditions: number 0 for the parity task and number 3 for the value task are congruent, since these two conditions map to the same output label; whereas number 0 for parity and number 6 for value are incongruent, since these other two conditions map to either output label (see Table 1).
In fact, the generalized congruency definition reduces to the stimulus cogruency if, between the two compared conditions, the same stimulus is considered. Remarkably, the generalized congruency also supersedes the concept of categorization, defined as the set of stimuli that, in the context of a given task, map to the same output, hence belonging to the same class. Thus, if we restrict the generalized congruency to a specific task, its definition reduces exactly to that of categorization.
In the next section (Final representation motifs), we show that final representations in RDMs can be predicted from the generalized congruency. It reduces to the categorization mapping of each task in the RDMs’ main diagonal, whereas the resulting mapping for each given stimulus in RDM’s off-diagonal sets its (stimulus) congruency. Beyond those two special cases, final representations also inform about distinct stimuli under distinct tasks pointing to the same response.
Final representation motifs
Representation block motifs in the RDMs for the last hidden layer of the task-switching network can be predicted from the generalized congruency of tasks with binary outputs: {0, 1}.
To see this, we first introduce a function f that computes the pairwise mean task congruency, that is fraction of congruent stimuli for two tasks. Then, we construct, by analogy, a function F that computes the generalized congruency, which predicts the last hidden layer (i.e., final) representation motifs in the structure of RDMs for task switching networks. Finally, we describe how representation final motifs in task-switching networks relate to those of independent and parallel networks.
Let’s begin considering two tasks expressed as column vectors of dimension S: t1 ∈ {0, 1} S and t2 ∈ {0, 1} S, where S runs over all stimulus conditions (e.g., 0–9, for digits). We can define a function f (t1, t2) that maps the two task vectors to a scalar representing the fraction of congruent stimuli (see Table 2). Given the binary nature of the outputs, we can express f as: where T is the transpose operator and denotes the dot (or inner) product. Mathematically, f = 1 when t1 = t2, meaning that all stimuli are congruent for a single task. If we consider, for instance, that t1 and t2 represent the parity and value tasks, respectively, then t1 = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]T and t2 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]T (see Table 1), and the resulting fraction of congruent stimuli is f (t1, t2) = 0.6 (see Table 2).
Similarly, we can define a second function F : {0, 1}S ×{0, 1}S → {0, 1}S×S, that maps the two task vectors into the square S × S generalized congruency matrix as follows: where ⊗ denotes the outer product. The entry Fij will be equal to 1 only if the output for the two tasks is the same t1(i) = t2(j), i.e., if the output for task 1, when presented the i stimulus, is the same as the output for task 2, when presented the j stimulus; otherwise Fij will be equal to 0 (see Section Generalized congruency). If tasks differ, the resulting matrix F (t1, t2) is not symmetric.
From F, we can compute the mean value of each final block motif for two tasks, t1 and t2, as follows:
We can generalize the approach for an arbitrary set of tasks 𝕋 = {t1, t2…tT } with T tasks:
The generalized congruency matrix F can be compared to the final representation motifs of the RDM. Given that each term in F is bounded to {0, 1}, computing the empirical RDM in terms of cosyne similarity, compared to Pearson correlation, provides a more precise relationship with the theoretical approach.
S1 Fig S19 compares the empirical final block motifs of the RDM in a 10-layer task-switching network with its prediction. For the prediction, we have assumed that the correlation matrix R converges to F in the final representation (i.e., that of the last hidden layer). Thus, the task-switching network converges to a RDM of the form:
Furthermore, we can estimate the amount of shared representation in task-switching networks by averaging the mean value of block motifs located in the off-diagonal of the RDM matrix (see Section Shared representations):
S1 Fig S19 also compares the predicted mean similarity representation with that in the empirical final block motifs of the RDM, showing a good estimation of shared and task representations.
The same approach can be applied to the independent and parallel networks. For the independent network, the final motifs of the main diagonal are identical to those in the task-switching network. However, the motifs in the off-diagonal differ (see Fig 2a) because the activations of neurons belonging to disconnected subnetworks in the independent network are uncorrelated.
Note that, by construction, there cannot be shared representations in the independent network. Fig 2c, however, displays residual shared representations, which come from the fact that activations covary just by chance for a fraction of pairwise neurons in the independent subnetworks. This residual level in Fig 2c can be interpreted as the chance level in the estimation of significant shared representations. Because of that, we computed RDMs and estimated shared representations based on Pearson correlation since this was the analysis that best controlled residual correlations in comparison to cosyne similarity and Spearman correlation. As mentioned above, we limited the use of cosyne similarity only to the theoretical approach developed in the current section.
As for parallel networks, these networks process all tasks simultaneously. Its final representation motif can be estimated by collapsing the final representation motifs in the main diagonal of the task-switching network (or of the independent network, as they are indistinguishable). Mathematically, we can collapse the task-specific blocks in two ways, by computing the normalized union of the different tasks or by computing their intersection: where ⊙ represents the Hadamard (or element-wise) product. We then assumed that the correlation matrix R converges to Fp = cFU + (1 − c)FI in the final representation (i.e., that of the last hidden layer), with the parameter c ∈ [0, 1].
S1 Fig S20 compares the empirical final block motif of the RDM in a 10-layer parallel network with its prediction for c = 0.5. The coefficient of determination R2 in all conditions was > 0.95. We also adjusted the parameter c for each case using least mean squares algorithm, however, adjusted c values showed no clear trend with the increased number of tasks. Furthermore, the difference in the residuals (and consequently R2) between c = 0.5 and adjusted c was barely noticeable.
The RDM of parallel networks is composed by tiling the same multitask block. Hence, the multitask tile representation MRtile is a built-in block to compute complete, task and shared representations in parallel networks:
The multitask tile representation can be estimated by averaging Fp:
S1 Fig S20 also compares the predicted mean similarity representation with that in the empirical final block motif of the RDM, showing a good estimation of the multitask tile representation. Remarkably, the larger the number of processed tasks in parallel networks, the lower the task and shared representations become.
Multidimensional scaling
We applied multidimensional scaling (MDS) (Kruskal, 1964) to the RDM of each hidden layer (Jazayeri & Ostojic, 2021; Bernardi et al., 2020). For this, the RDM is taken as a distance matrix between each i and j position. We project this high-dimensional distribution of distances into a two-dimensional embedding using the MDS implementation in scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011). The maximum number of iterations was set to 1000 to guarantee convergence, with a tolerance of 10−5. We compare the results of the MDS analysis in three conditions: context only in the first layer, context in all layers and context only in the last layer (S1 Fig S6). In addition, the MDS analysis was also applied to project the task similarity matrix to 2D (S1 Fig S13).
Linear decoder
We used a generalized linear model to decode the information processed in each layer and its evolution as processing progressed through the feedforward network architecture (S1 Fig S14) (Alain & Bengio, 2016; Kriegeskorte & Douglas, 2019). We applied the scikit-learn implementation of the multiclass logistic regression model (Pedregosa et al., 2011). The maximum number of iterations was set to 8000 to guarantee convergence with a tolerance of 10−3. We used L2-norm regularization and the cross-entropy function for the loss.
The linear decoder was applied to the activation matrix of each layer, assembled as described in the Section Representational dissimilarity matrix. We first divided the data into a train set and test set following a 90/10 split and used digit labels (0–9) to identify the corresponding task label (see Table 1) and generalized congruency (see Section Generalized congruency). The results from the analysis were averaged across 10 realizations with different random seeds (S1 Fig S14).
Parameter scalability with the number of tasks
We can estimate the total number of parameters for independent, parallel and task-switching networks (respectively, Ps, Pp and Pts). For a fixed number of hidden neurons H, hidden layers L, input size I and output size O, the number of parameters grows linearly with the number of tasks in 𝕋. Assuming there are bias parameters in all layers, the number of parameters as a function of the number of tasks P (T) in independent and parallel networks is:
Note that in our models, neurons in the task-switching network have as many contexts biases as tasks are in T, unlike neurons in the independent and parallel networks that have only a single bias parameter. However, the number of parameters in the task-switching network can be further restricted keeping context biases the same (S) for neurons belonging to a same layer, compared to the different condition (D) where context biases are all different:
Considering the S condition is based on biological foundations, assuming low variability in the context input from PFC to downstream neurons within a brain area (e.g., neurons in the cortical visual area V4), in comparison to significantly larger variability across brain regions (e.g., neurons in visual area V1 vs. V4).
The dependency with T is linear in the three network architectures above, but the slope in the task-switching network S condition is reduced from H × L, to L. In terms of scalability, the number of parameters of task-switching networks in the S condition will grow much slower than that of parallel networks, since O× (H + 1) ≫L. This is because the number of neurons within a layer H is typically much larger than the number of layers L in a network. In fact, S1 Figure S16 displays the number of parameters in the different architectures for up to 100 tasks. We we can see that the line for the task-switching networks appears flat for the S condition, in contrast to other cases.
Clustering of neural activations
Similarly as in the assembling of the RDM, we averaged the neural activity for the last layer for each digit, creating a matrix of size S×H, where S is the number of stimulus types and H is the number of neurons in the hidden layer. We gathered the averages of activity for the different tasks to construct a matrix of size S×T×H, where T are the number of tasks. Each independent column conforms the average of activations across tasks and digits for a single hidden neuron. We normalized the activity by the maximum value so the new maximum is set to 1. Upon these activations, we applied K-means clustering (Lloyd, 1982; Pedregosa et al., 2011).
The analysis associated each hidden neuron to a cluster and we then calculated the average activity of each cluster per task and digit (see S1 Fig S22). We ran K-means for different number of clusters and inspected their average activation patterns. We found that the best number of clusters corresponds to k = 3, since three clusters distinguish neurons contributing to either output response of each task as well as silent neurons.
For k < 3, the specificity for the output response was first lost (k = 2), and then also the specificity for sparsity (defined as the proportion of silent neurons), when a single cluster was considered. The proportion of silent neurons in the last hidden layers was large (see S1 Fig S21), which explained why K-means separated first silent from non-silent neurons. Finally, for k > 3, K-means separated clusters by activation strength rather than by activation pattern (see S1 Fig S22).
Code availability
The code for replicating the network models and the results of the analyses presented in this manuscript is available in this GitHub repository.
SI Supplementary Figures
This work was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana Gen-T Program (Ref. CIDEGENT/2019/043), Grant Ref. PID2020-120037GA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011, and European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR Programa de Planes Complementarios I+D+i (Ref. ASFAE/2022/014).
Complete revision of the manuscript with many adds in text and figures