Summary Admixed populations, with their unique and diverse genetic backgrounds, are often underrepresented in genetic studies. This oversight not only limits our understanding but also exacerbates existing health disparities. One major barrier has been the lack of efficient tools tailored for the special challenges of genetic study of admixed populations. Here, we present admix-kit, an integrated toolkit and pipeline for genetic analyses of admixed populations. Admix-kit implements a suite of methods to facilitate genotype and phenotype simulation, association testing, genetic architecture inference, and polygenic scoring in admixed populations.
Availability and implementation Admix-kit package is open-source and available at https://github.com/KangchengHou/admix-kit. Additionally, users can use the pipeline designed for admixed genotype simulation available at https://github.com/UW-GAC/admix-kit_workflow.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.