Plant cell expansion is driven by turgor pressure and regulated by hormones. How plant cells avoid cell wall rupture during hormone-induced cell expansion remains a mystery. Here we show that brassinosteroid (BR), while stimulating cell elongation, promotes the plasma membrane (PM) accumulation of the receptor kinase FERONIA (FER), which monitors cell wall damage and in turn attenuates BR-induced cell elongation to prevent cell rupture. The GSK3-like kinase BIN2 phosphorylates FER, resulting in reduced FER accumulation and translocation from endoplasmic reticulum to PM. By inactivating BIN2, BR signaling promotes dephosphorylation and increases PM accumulation of FER, thereby enhancing the surveillance of cell wall integrity. Our study reveals a vital signaling circuit that coordinates hormone signaling with mechanical sensing to prevent cell bursting during hormone-induced cell expansion.
One-Sentence Summary Brassinosteroid recruits a cell wall integrity monitor to prevent growth-induced cell wall damage.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.