Relapse of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is highly aggressive and often treatment refractory. We analyzed previously published AML relapse cohorts and found that 40% of relapses occur without changes in driver mutations, suggesting that non-genetic mechanisms drive relapse in a large proportion of cases. We therefore characterized epigenetic patterns of AML relapse using 26 matched diagnosis-relapse samples with ATAC-seq. This analysis identified a relapse-specific chromatin accessibility signature for mutationally stable AML, suggesting that AML undergoes epigenetic evolution at relapse independent of mutational changes. Analysis of leukemia stem cell (LSC) chromatin changes at relapse indicated that this leukemic compartment underwent significantly less epigenetic evolution than non-LSCs, while epigenetic changes in non-LSCs reflected overall evolution of the bulk leukemia. Finally, we used single-cell ATAC-seq paired with mitochondrial sequencing (mtscATAC) to map clones from diagnosis into relapse along with their epigenetic features. We found that distinct mitochondrially-defined clones exhibit more similar chromatin accessibility at relapse relative to diagnosis, demonstrating convergent epigenetic evolution in relapsed AML. These results demonstrate that epigenetic evolution is a feature of relapsed AML and that convergent epigenetic evolution can occur following treatment with induction chemotherapy.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a blood cancer characterized by the accumulation of dysfunctional myeloid progenitors, resulting in severe cytopenias and an overall poor prognosis, especially in the elderly1. Despite recent advances in AML treatment, most patients relapse with aggressive disease that is highly resistant to further treatment. Relapse therefore presents a significant challenge for AML clinicians due to the lack of efficacious salvage options making it critical to study AML relapse to guide and improve AML outcomes.
Cancer progression is generally understood as an evolutionary process with certain cellular subpopulations containing genetic and other features that allow for improved fitness and growth. There is often substantial subclonal genetic heterogeneity in cancer, with a dominant clone comprising the bulk of the tumor with accompanying smaller subclones2–5. Leukemia can persist after treatment during clinical remission as measurable residual disease (MRD) which is an independent risk factor for relapse5. Indeed, whole-genome resequencing efforts have indicated that in many cases, clonal evolution at relapse results from the dynamic outgrowth of these resistant clones6. These data underscore the importance of characterizing the clonal dynamics of AML evolution to better understand how these cells evolve over time and contribute to relapse and chemoresistance.
According to the cancer stem cell model, AML is thought to be organized in a hierarchical manner, with transformed leukemia stem cells (LSCs) possessing long-term self-renewal capability giving rise to partially differentiated leukemia cells (non-LSCs)7, 8. The role of LSCs in relapse is poorly understood, and future studies seeking to understand relapsed AML will require investigating how these cells contribute to disease recurrence. These studies are especially important given the lack of therapies that specifically target LSCs.
Recent genomic sequencing efforts have identified various classes of recurrent mutations in AML9, 10. In particular, these studies implicate epigenetic regulators as key factors in AML pathogenesis, including DNMT3A, TET2, IDH1/2, ASXL1, and the cohesin complex11–16. Indeed, epigenetic dysregulation is now known to be a distinctive hallmark of AML17. Studies analyzing the transformation of normal hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) into LSCs suggest epigenetic dysregulation is an initiating event in leukemic clonal evolution, and many mutations in epigenetic regulators persist between diagnosis and relapse18–20.
It is increasingly apparent that chromatin accessibility and its three-dimensional landscape are important factors in cancer pathogenesis and progression21. Recent studies profiling the chromatin landscape of certain cancers indicate that the fine regulation of chromatin activity is critical for tumor suppression22, 23. Analyses of active epigenetic programs in healthy hematopoietic and leukemic cells implicate epigenetic factors, including distal cis-regulatory elements and transcription factors, as critical features driving AML, with differential activation of regulatory chromatin programs defining disease subtypes24, 25. Moreover, common AML mutations in transcription factors and RAS/RTK signaling have downstream activity on trans regulatory factors like NFkB, highlighting the importance of epigenetic regulatory elements in maintaining the balance of transcriptional programs required for proper cellular identity and preventing leukemic transformation26, 27. Cytosine methylation states have also been shown to evolve independently of genetic mutations in relapsed AML, indicating that epigenetic changes can occur with leukemia progression28. We hypothesize that examining chromatin accessibility to infer cancer gene regulatory programs and cancer-specific properties is a useful tool for uncovering novel biology in AML progression and relapse29.
Here, we report a longitudinal study of paired diagnosis-relapse AML patient samples to characterize mechanisms of AML relapse. We first interrogated previously published genotyping studies of relapsed AML to understand clonal evolution of somatic driver mutations and found a large proportion of cases lack mutational changes at relapse, suggesting that epigenetic evolution could be a driving factor in relapse. We then performed chromatin accessibility analysis to identify regulatory mechanisms associated with AML relapse in mutationally stable cases and further performed single-cell chromatin analysis to investigate epigenetic subclones and evolution in primary patient samples. These studies reveal that individual diagnosis clones persist and acquire similar epigenetic features and states in relapse, demonstrating convergent epigenetic evolution.
A large proportion of relapsed AMLs lack mutational evolution
To define the genetic landscape underlying AML relapse, we analyzed published genotyping studies of paired diagnosis and relapse samples. We collected data from seven different cohorts with genome resequencing of AML-related mutations (Supplemental Table 1)10, 28, 30–34. For each patient, we collected mutation variant allele frequency (VAF), karyotype, time to relapse, and overall survival when available. This resulted in a dataset containing 2,111 mutations across 216 patients at paired diagnosis and relapse timepoints.
Recurrently mutated genes within this cohort were consistent with previous studies with NPM1, DNMT3A, FLT3, RUNX1, and TET2 being among the most frequently mutated genes (Figure 1a). We previously showed that genes associated with epigenetic regulation such as DNMT3A, TET2, IDH1/2, and ASLX1 are pre-leukemic mutations that accumulate in HSCs and initiate leukemogenesis18, 19. The VAF of mutations in epigenetic regulators was overall stable at relapse, consistent with the idea that these mutations are founder events occurring early during AML evolution and suggesting that the persistence of these mutations may play a role in AML resistance and progression (Figure 1b, Supplemental Figure 1a). FLT3 and other signaling molecules such as those in the Ras family, including KRAS, NRAS, and PTPN11, were frequently lost at relapse (Figure 1b, Supplemental Figure 1b). Mutations in WT1 were gained at relapse in 10.8% of cases in this study, a frequency greater than any other gene evaluated. Patients with WT1 gain took significantly longer to relapse relative to patients that had WT1 mutations already present at diagnosis (Supplemental Figure 1c,2a).
To evaluate genetic clonal patterns at relapse, we utilized the available genomic VAF data with standardized cutoffs for detection, acquisition, and elimination of mutations to infer the acquisition and elimination of clones at relapse. Each mutation was categorized as 1) gained (VAF from <0.05 at diagnosis to >0.1 at relapse), 2) lost (VAF from >0.1 at diagnosis to <0.05 at relapse), or 3) stable (not meeting criteria for gained or lost) at relapse based on VAF changes beyond predefined thresholds at diagnosis and relapse. Each patient was categorized into one of four different bins based on the AML driver mutations detected at diagnosis and relapse: stable (no change in mutations between diagnosis and relapse), gain (acquisition of mutations at relapse); loss (loss of mutations at relapse); and gain and loss (both gain and loss of mutations at relapse) (Figure 1c). Notably, 93 cases (43%) exhibited stable mutation profiles at relapse. There were no significant differences in these clonal group frequencies across individual genes, and there was no clear enrichment of specific epigenetic mutations such as DNMT3A, TET2, or IDH1/2 in our stable samples, indicating that clonal evolution categories are unlikely to be driven by or associated with specific mutations (Supplemental Figure 2b). Patients with stable clonality had a significantly shorter time to relapse relative to patients who gained and/or lost mutations at relapse when corrected for differences in age and sex (Figure 1d, Supplemental Figure 2c; HR = 1.56, p = 0.007). These data indicate that little to no somatic genetic evolution occurs in driver mutations in a substantial portion of relapsed AML cases and that these cases are associated with a shorter time to relapse.
Epigenetic evolution is an important non-genetic factor in AML relapse
The identification of many clonally stable relapsed patients led us to hypothesize that non-genetic or epigenetic factors may contribute to relapse in these cases. To evaluate this hypothesis, we identified 26 AML patients treated at Stanford with available banked diagnosis and relapse samples. The majority of these patients were treated with induction chemotherapy consisting of cytarabine with anthracycline and all patients entered clinical remission prior to eventually relapsing (Supplemental Table 2). We FACS-purified bulk AML blasts from each of these patients to exclude residual lymphocytes and subjected these cells to ATAC-seq and genotyping with a targeted panel of AML-associated genes (Blast immunophenotype: CD45-mid SSC-hi non-CD34+CD38-, Figure 2a). We used a custom genotyping pipeline to identify pathogenic mutations occurring at VAF>5% (see methods) and incorporated available cytogenetic data to assign each patient to a clonal group (Supplemental Table 3,4). We observed a similar pattern of frequently mutated genes in this patient cohort, with NPM1, FLT3, DNMT3A, and TET2 occurring most frequently (Figure 2b). We classified each sample into clonal categories as described above and strikingly, we also observed a clonal pattern with a similar proportion of samples in each of the clonal bins defined above, with roughly 40% of our cohort exhibiting no mutation changes at relapse indicating that they were clonally stable (Figure 2c). Of note, our VAF cutoff and classification accurately classified all mutations as stable, gained, or lost; all stable mutations had an absolute VAF change of <0.1 with the exception of one mutation which had a VAF change of 0.35. We observed that time-to-relapse in patients with stable clonal evolution was not significantly different compared to non-stable cases, though this may be limited by the small sample size (p = 0.2) (Supplemental Figure 3a).
Chromatin accessibility has been extensively used to profile epigenetic gene regulatory landscapes and programs24, 35. We sought to identify such non-genetic factors playing a role in the evolution of the different genomic clonal evolution groups. As a readout for epigenetic similarity, we calculated the Pearson product moment correlation of ATAC-seq signal normalized for reads in peaks across all peaks between diagnosis and relapse timepoints for each patient and compared these values between all clonal bins (Figure 2d). The different clonal groups showed varying levels of epigenetic change at relapse. Notably, relapsed samples with stable clonal evolution were epigenetically dissimilar to their diagnosis counterparts suggesting that epigenetic evolution may drive relapse in these cases. In addition, samples with both gain and loss of mutations showed substantial epigenetic changes at relapse which may be attributable to mutational changes occurring in these samples and/or to epigenetic factors (Mean DX-REL correlation: Stable-0.914, Gain-0.929, Loss-0.950, Gain+Loss-0.802). Collectively, these data suggest that epigenetic evolution may drive relapse in AML, particularly in cases that do not acquire or lose mutations.
Cell Cycle And Metabolic Pathways of Epigenetic Evolution Underlie Relapse in Mutationally Stable AML
The clonally stable group exhibited substantial chromatin accessibility changes at relapse suggesting that epigenetic evolution may contribute to resistance in these cases. To identify the specific regulatory elements and pathways involved, we identified regions of chromatin accessibility that were enriched or depleted at relapse in mutationally stable AMLs. Of 115,551 features in the global peak set, 2,373 peaks were enriched and 6,145 peaks were depleted across all stable samples (Supplemental Figure 3b). To identify chromatin changes localized to specific gene loci, we generated chromatin accessibility “gene accessibility scores” across all samples. This approach has been shown to predict the relative RNA expression of individual genes35, 36. We therefore used these scores to identify differentially accessible genes across stable samples with the underlying hypothesis that differential chromatin accessibility may act as a proxy for transcriptomic changes in these samples (Figure 2e,f)35, 36. We found that histone genes, epigenetic regulators, and the surface marker CD69 displayed increased accessibility at relapse across samples (Figure 2f, Supplemental Table 5). The genes identified to be differentially accessible in stable samples did not show significant accessibility changes in non-stable samples (AMLs that gained and/or lost mutations at relapse), indicating that mutationally stable samples undergo specific epigenetic evolution distinct from other AMLs (Figure 2f).
To analyze the association between chromosomal regions and genes that were found to be differentially accessible across stable samples, we searched for chromosomal loci with a higher proportion of either significantly enriched or depleted peaks relative to the global peak set with the hypothesis that large regions of chromosomal accessibility change may represent copy number alterations or changes in topologically associated domain activity associated with relapse. We found that certain genomic loci displayed a widespread increase in average accessibility at relapse paired with increased accessibility of specific genes in those regions. This was in contrast to the rest of the genome where average accessibility and gene accessibility change at relapse were not correlated. For example, chromosome 6 contained a region of increased relapse accessibility spanning approximately 100kb which contained numerous histone and cell-cycle-associated genes (Supplemental Figure 3c). These locations may represent regions of co-regulated chromatin which evolve to allow for resistance and relapse.
We performed gene set enrichment analysis of genes with increased accessibility at relapse in stable samples and found an enrichment of pathways associated with increased cell cycling, metabolism, and cell stress responses, consistent with increased aggressiveness of relapsed AML and a response to genotoxic chemotherapy, as well as chromatin regulators, histones, and targets of transcription factors such as MYC (Figure 2g). We additionally examined transcription factor motif enrichment within differentially accessible chromatin peaks to identify trans regulatory factors important in mutationally stable relapse samples (Supplemental Figure 3d). Interestingly, we found depletion of AP1 family motifs, such as FOS and JUN, which have been demonstrated to be important in various genetically-defined subtypes of AML, as well as CEBPA and SPI1, both critical regulators of myeloid cell differentiation27. Conversely, we observed an enrichment of FOXO family factors in the stable relapse samples, as well as the GATA family (known regulators of early progenitors in hematopoietic development) and E2F29. These results suggest differential transcription factor activity and activation of relapse-specific biological pathways in mutationally stable relapse cases.
We then endeavored to utilize healthy hematopoietic cell type chromatin profiles to identify the closest normal cell type for AML samples. We previously utilized the CIBERSORT algorithm to quantify the cell type contribution to overall AML chromatin states24. A follow-up study utilized latent semantic indexing projection of either single-cell ATAC or pseudo-single-cell ATAC (derived from bulk ATAC profiles) to healthy hematopoietic single-cell ATAC data to identify the closest normal cell type for single-cell ATAC profiles35. We applied the latter, single-cell specific, methodology to our data in order to identify the closest normal cell types for diagnosis and relapse samples and by proxy, the differentiation status of these AMLs as determined by their chromatin state. Briefly, for each bulk AML sample, a “pseudo-single cell” ATAC-seq dataset was generated as previously described35. This pseudo-single cell data was then projected to a reference of healthy hematopoietic ATAC-seq data, and each pseudo-single cell was assigned the closest normal cell type using a k-nearest neighbors clustering approach (Supplemental Figure 4a,b. The closest normal cell types for diagnosis and relapse pairs were then compared across samples. This analysis revealed that at diagnosis, most AMLs mapped to different regions within the myeloid/monocyte compartment and that at relapse, AMLs overall became less differentiated with chromatin reflecting a more CMP/GMP/progenitor-like cell state (Supplemental Figure 4b). Evaluating individual cases showed that every sample which was myeloid/monocyte-like at diagnosis became less differentiated at relapse and that samples that were progenitor-like at diagnosis generally stayed within that compartment (Supplemental Figure 4c,d,e). These analyses indicate that the overall chromatin state of relapsed AML becomes less differentiated, which may be associated with epigenetic fitness associated with drug resistance and increased proliferation leading to relapse in these patients.
Epigenetic Evolution at Relapse is Primarily Driven By Non-Leukemic Stem Cell Populations
Leukemia stem cells (LSCs) are thought to be of critical importance in AML relapse, serving as a chemoresistant self-renewing reservoir for disease propagation after initial therapy8, 37. As LSCs increase in frequency at relapse, we sought to determine if the relapse-associated chromatin signature detected in the mutationally stable cases was reflective of an LSC epigenetic signature38. We examined the chromatin accessibility profile and epigenetic evolution that occurs within populations enriched for LSCs, identified by expression of CD99 and TIM3 within the CD34+CD38-population, markers that have been previously validated for distinguishing leukemic stem cells from non-leukemic residual HSCs39. As CD34 expression can be variable in AML cases, we identified 10 patients within our cohort that contained a sortable CD34+CD38-CD99+TIM3+ population of cells in both diagnosis and relapse samples. We FACS-purified both this LSC-enriched population and the remaining non-LSC AML cells in these samples (designated “mature non-LSCs”) and subjected them to ATAC-seq (Figure 3a). The immunophenotype used to enrich LSCs is incompletely defined in the relapse setting, however, we found that that CD34+CD38-CD99+TIM3+ cells from relapse samples, mapped epigenetically to less-differentiated healthy cell states relative to non LSC-enriched samples, consistent with the hypothesis that the “LSC” immunophenotype works effectively for enrichment in both diagnosis and relapse samples (Supplemental Figure 4b).
Comparison of chromatin accessibility at diagnosis and relapse showed that LSCs underwent less global epigenetic change at relapse, indicating that most of the chromatin accessibility change at relapse occurs in the non-LSC compartment (Figure 3b). We next investigated how regions becoming differentially accessible in LSCs were related to chromatin changes in the non-LSC compartment and vice versa. This analysis revealed that almost half of the features with significant chromatin changes in LSCs were also differentially accessible in non-LSC cells (Figure 3c,d). However, fewer than 5% of features that were differentially accessible in non-LSCs were differentially accessible in the LSC compartment (Figure 3c,d). These results indicate that chromatin changes may be inherited in a directional manner within the AML hierarchy; chromatin changes in LSCs are passed on to their non-LSC progeny, but not vice versa. Overall, these results indicate that epigenetic changes detected in relapse samples are the result of chromatic accessibility alterations in both LSC and non-LSC compartments, rather than a change in the number or proportion of LSCs at relapse.
We aimed to determine whether epigenetic changes in the bulk AML at relapse (the bulk relapse signature identified in Figure 2) could be attributed to evolution of LSC-specific epigenetic features. We directly compared the gene accessibility signature identified in the stable relapse samples to an epigenetic signature derived by comparing LSCs to non-LSCs at diagnosis. The stable sample bulk AML relapse signature was strikingly similar to the LSC signature at diagnosis, indicating that a significant proportion of the epigenetic changes observed at relapse are due to changes in LSC frequency or evolution of non-LSC cells toward a more LSC-like state (Supplementary Figure 5A,B).
To examine the LSC-specific pathways involving differentially accessible genes within these cells, we performed GSEA using our gene score data (Figure 3e). Enriched programs included many of those that were found in the bulk leukemia, including inflammatory pathways such as interferon-γ and IL-2/STAT5 signaling, as well as an upregulation of KRAS signaling pathway-related genes. Several pathways enriched in bulk leukemia at relapse, such as MYC target genes, were not enriched in LSCs, suggesting that LSCs undergo epigenetic alterations distinct from the bulk population (Figure 3f). Overall, these results suggest that epigenetic evolution is more prominent in non-LSCs, that epigenetic change occurring in LSCs are reflected in non-LSCs but not vice-versa, and that LSC epigenetic changes at relapse partially, but incompletely, reflect changes in the bulk leukemia cells.
Single-cell ATAC-seq Identifies Epigenetically Defined Subpopulations at Diagnosis and Relapse
We found evidence of epigenetic evolution from diagnosis to relapse, most notably in mutationally stable cases, and that this relapse-specific chromatin accessibility pattern was not simply a reflection of increased LSC activity. Several studies performed in AML, as well as glioblastoma and lung adenocarcinoma, have demonstrated intratumoral epigenetic heterogeneity that may contribute to disease progression and evolution40, 41. We sought to identify mechanisms of epigenetic evolution, particularly in cases lacking clonal somatic mutational changes at relapse, and hypothesized two different mechanisms: intracellular evolution, where the epigenome of individual cells changes to a relapse-specific state, or intercellular evolution, where evolutionary pressure selects for a subset of cells present at diagnosis that harbor a pre-existing relapse signature. To explore these possibilities, we performed 10X single-cell ATAC-seq (scATAC-seq) on three diagnosis and relapse sample pairs, each of which contained distinct and varied AML-related genetic lesions (Supplemental Table 2,3), underwent varying degrees of epigenetic change at relapse according to our bulk analysis, and, importantly, exhibited no mutational clonal evolution. We additionally analyzed one sample pair which underwent epigenetic and genomic change at relapse. We employed previously validated computational tools to analyze epigenetic heterogeneity within and between samples (Figure 4a)26, 35, 36.
Dimensionality reduction analysis of selected single-cell ATAC samples revealed substantial inter- and intra-patient heterogeneity (Figure 4b). In patient SU142 (MLL-rearranged), diagnosis and relapse clusters were indistinguishable from each other, indicating that little epigenetic change occurred during relapse in this case (Supplemental Figure 6a). In patients SU360 (SF3B1 and KMT2D mutant secondary AML), SU484 (IDH1/FLT3-ITD/NPM1 mutant), and SU892 (RUNX1-mutant/FLT3-TKD), there were substantial epigenetic differences between diagnosis and relapse, along with significant heterogeneity within each timepoint (Figure 4c,d, Supplemental Figure 6a). Each sample and timepoint contained several epigenetically defined cell subpopulations, indicating that epigenetically defined clusters can exist independent of mutational differences (Supplemental Figure 6a).
We hypothesized that in genetically stable AMLs, there may exist cells at diagnosis with epigenetics states more amenable to selection during therapy ultimately driving relapsed disease. To test this hypothesis, we calculated the epigenetic similarity between all diagnosis and relapse clusters by comparing global chromatin accessibility. Multiple samples contained discreet clusters at diagnosis which were epigenetically more similar to clusters at relapse relative to other cells at diagnosis (Figure 4c,d, Supplemental Figure 6b). Specifically, in patient SU360, diagnosis clusters 7,8, and 9, which represented 24% of the AML at diagnosis, grouped with several of the relapse clusters (Figure 4c). Similarly, for patient SU892, a sample that displayed more substantial global epigenetic change at relapse, we found that diagnosis clusters 1 and 2, representing 14% of the AML at diagnosis, were most similar to relapse cells (Figure 4d). These analyses indicate that there exists substantial epigenetic heterogeneity within AMLs at multiple therapeutic timepoints and that some diagnosis subpopulations contain epigenetic states similar to cells at relapse.
A relapse-like epigenetic signature is present at diagnosis in relapse-fated AML
The finding that certain diagnosis clones display relapse-like epigenetic states raises the possibility that specific epigenetic signatures may be selected for during therapy. To further determine whether cellular subsets at diagnosis harbored relapse-like epigenetic states, we scored each cell from our single-cell ATAC-seq data using the relapse signature determined from our clonally stable bulk ATAC-seq cohort (Figure 2f), and evaluated if it was enriched in any diagnosis cells (Figure 4e). As expected, relapse cells in patients SU360, SU484, and SU892 were enriched for the relapse signature to a significantly greater degree than diagnosis cells. Notably, in these three cases, subpopulations of cells were identified at diagnosis that harbored the relapse signature at levels comparable to the relapse cells. These results suggest that intercellular epigenetic heterogeneity and evolution may be mechanisms contributing to relapsed AML.
Single-cell ATAC-seq Reveals Relapsed AML Cell State Evolution
Next, we sought to determine how AML differentiation states changed at relapse at the single cell level. We utilized latent semantic index projection to map AML scATAC-seq data onto a reference constructed from healthy hematopoietic cell scATAC data (Supplemental Figure 7a,b). Each AML cell was classified based on the healthy hematopoietic cell type to which it mapped closest in epigenetic space according to this projection. We found that the differentiation status of each AML sample broadly reflected the results obtained from our analyses of bulk AML profiles (Supplemental Figure 7c-d). However, single-cell mapping allowed for a significantly more granular identification of the differentiation status for all AML subpopulations in each sample. Significantly, the differentiation status as determined by the closest normal cell type changed substantially at relapse with cells either becoming more HSPC-like or mapping to a different hematopoietic lineage altogether. Consistent with our bulk data and with what we expected for a myeloid disease, patient SU484 mapped to the myeloid compartment at diagnosis, and at relapse became substantially more immature with most relapse cells becoming CMP/LMPP-like (Supplemental Figure 7e). Patient SU892 diagnosis cells also largely mapped to the myeloid lineage, but the relapse cells interestingly appeared to project onto more dendritic/basophil and erythroid-like states, perhaps reflecting an overall more neomorphic relapsed cell state than could be mapped onto one cell-type (Supplemental Figure 7f). Interestingly, case SU360 showed substantial epigenetic differences between diagnosis and relapse when comparing global AML profiles in both the bulk and single-cell data with an increase in the fraction of cells mapping to the DC/Basophil-like compartment (Supplemental Figure 7d). Altogether, these data show that the epigenetic-based lineage status of AML subpopulations can change dramatically at relapse and that modulation of cell-type specific epigenetic programs is associated with relapse.
Mitochondrial single-cell ATAC-seq Reveals Intracellular and Convergent Evolution in Mutationally Stable AML at Relapse
Our initial single-cell ATAC-seq experiments provided evidence that there was substantial epigenetic change within, and possible selection of, AML subclones unrelated to somatic mutation change. To definitively identify the subclonal chromatin changes occurring within these subpopulations at relapse, we employed mitochondrial single-cell ATAC-seq (mtscATAC-seq), a technique which leverages genetic variants accumulating naturally within the mitochondrial genome as an endogenous barcode to track cell populations while simultaneously capturing their chromatin accessibility profile42. We performed mtscATAC-seq on the 10X Chromium platform using FACS-purified AML blasts from the four patients interrogated above. With this method, we were able to link AML subclones defined by mitochondrial mutations (henceforth referred to as “mitoclones”) between diagnosis and relapse, evaluate clonal dynamics, and identify epigenetic differences between mitoclones within and between timepoints (Figure 5a). Importantly, these mitoclones were identified agnostic of any somatic mutations previously characterized in these samples, allowing for the unbiased evaluation of subclonal dynamics in samples with no significant change in driver mutational profile at relapse. Additionally, the ability of this methodology to accurately identify mitochondrial variants and mitoclones as well as compare epigenetic differences between these clones has been previously validated42, 43.
The genomically stable AML cases evaluated in our study showed some level of subclonal heterogeneity in their respective mitoclones. In samples SU142, SU360, and SU892, 95% of the AML cells at diagnosis and relapse constituted 3-4 mitoclones (Figure 5b). Reconstruction of mitoclone evolution during therapy showed that at relapse, mitoclone dynamics were stable with no significant change in the size of mitochondrially-defined clones (Figure 5c). Importantly, many of the mitoclones were epigenetically distinct from one another at diagnosis, indicating that different epigenetic programs were active across these populations at diagnosis (Figure 5d).
To determine how epigenetic profiles changed between individual mitoclones at relapse, we calculated the global epigenetic similarity between all diagnosis mitoclones and separately, calculated the epigenetic similarity between all relapse mitoclones. In the genomically stable samples, there was a significant change in the bulk AML epigenetic profile at relapse, with relapse mitoclones overall clustering separately from diagnosis mitoclones. Additionally, mitoclones at relapse were epigenetically more similar to each other than mitoclones at diagnosis in 2 of 3 stable samples evaluated (Figure 5d). When taken together, these two observations suggest that all relapse mitoclones evolve toward a distinct epigenetic state while also becoming epigenetically more similar to each other, demonstrating convergent epigenetic evolution in these populations.
We further evaluated epigenetic change across all genomic features between specific mitoclones. In SU360, for example, mitoclone 1 and mitoclone 2, clones with distinct evolutionary origins, showed similar patterns of accessibility change at relapse (Supplemental Figure 8a). These data support the idea that single AML cells give rise to lineage-biased and epigenetically distinct subclones that may contribute to resistance and relapse independent of genomic alterations. In addition, intracellular epigenetic evolution can occur across AML subclones with convergent epigenetic evolution of distinct AML clones in patients with stable genomic profiles at relapse.
Mitochondrial single-cell ATAC-seq Reveals Evolution of Epigenetically Distinct AML Subpopulations at Relapse
We further utilized mitochondrial tracing to profile the clonal and epigenetic profile of SU484, a case in which a FLT3 point mutation detected at diagnosis was lost and a FLT3-internal tandem duplication (ITD) was gained at relapse. While the stable samples profiled had relatively simple mitochondrial clonal heterogeneity, clonal structure was considerably more complex in SU484. We identified 12 mitoclones that underwent various levels of selection, elimination, and outgrowth, and which had distinctive epigenetic profiles at both diagnosis and relapse, reflecting a subclonal heterogeneity not evident through the investigation of somatic driver mutations and their dynamics (Supplemental Figure 8b-d). Mitoclone 2, present at a frequency of 0.2% at diagnosis was selected, making up 36% of the AML cells at relapse, reflecting the selection of a clone likely associated with the FLT3-ITD driver mutation (Supplemental Figure 8c). The small number of detectable mitoclone 2 cells at diagnosis were epigenetically distinct from other clones, suggesting that this clone contained a more favorable epigenetic state amenable to selection following therapy (Supplemental Figure 8d). At relapse, mitoclone 2 cells became epigenetically distinct from mitoclone 2 cells at diagnosis, indicating that there was both selection for and evolution of this clone during therapy. On the other hand, several diagnosis mitoclones in SU484 appeared to undergo negative selection including mitoclones 1,3, and 4 (Supplemental Figure 8c). While these “unfit” clones were distinct in their origins, they contained similar epigenetic profiles at diagnosis associated with their elimination at relapse (Supplemental Figure 8d).
To further explore epigenetic differences between mitoclones, we mapped SU484 cells to the healthy hematopoietic reference and identified the closest normal cell type for different clones. Strikingly, certain clone-defining mitochondrial variants were lineage biased. In SU484, one mitochondrial clone/variant was restricted to the myeloid compartment while others were distinctly progenitor-like (Supplemental Figure 8e). Notably, mitoclone #2 that expanded at relapse was progenitor-like at diagnosis. In the stable samples with no mitoclone changes, mitoclones did not display lineage bias with diffuse mapping across multiple lineages in the hierarchy.
We additionally scored different mitoclones using our previously identified relapse signature and found that in all relapse samples, all clones displayed higher relapse-signature scores (Supplemental Figure 9). In addition, in SU484, clone 0 and 2 which survived and expanded at relapse respectively had epigenetic states at diagnosis with higher relapse scores relative to clones that were eliminated during therapy. These data indicate that certain epigenetically distinct clones may be primed to relapse. Overall, these results demonstrate that epigenetic factors contribute to resistance and relapse in bulk AML and within epigenetically defined subclones that persist into relapse.
Relapsed AML remains a significant clinical challenge, and the mechanisms driving this disease state are incompletely understood. In this study, we found that many AML cases undergo no mutational evolution at relapse, suggesting alternative, non-genetic means that drive AML evolution during treatment and after remission. Our genotyping and chromatin accessibility analysis of paired diagnosis and relapsed AML samples indicates that genomic evolution and epigenetic evolution are two intertwined, yet independent mechanisms contributing to relapse, with specific epigenetic alterations occurring commonly across genetically stable samples. These findings are consistent with a prior study that identified diversity in cytosine methylation change at AML relapse, independent of genetic evolution28. We further found that epigenetic changes are not a reflection of increased leukemia stem cell proportion at relapse but represent alterations in regulatory sequences occurring across all subpopulations in the AML hierarchy. Single-cell ATAC-seq and analysis of mitoclones in diagnosis and relapse cell populations shows that convergent intracellular evolution occurs, with distinct mitoclones developing similar epigenetic features at relapse. This information further underscores the importance of the role of epigenetic factors in the clinical progression and pathogenesis of leukemia. Further and larger-scale studies will need to be conducted to link specific mutational profiles with epigenetic alterations and clonal evolutionary patterns to understand the molecular mechanisms of AML relapse and guide future diagnostic tools and therapies.
Leukemia stem cells (LSCs) have long been thought of as a potential reservoir for relapse after clinical remission7, 8, 37. Our data indicates that epigenetic changes occurring in LSCs contribute significantly to the overall epigenetic evolution taking place in each AML, likely driving the observed resistance and relapse of these cases. Interestingly, the LSC-enriched cells we investigated exhibited epigenetic stability between the diagnosis and relapse, suggesting that while non-LSC epigenetic changes are derived from changes occurring in stem cells, the LSC-enriched cells may indeed represent a latent population contributing to eventual relapse31, 44. Our gene score data further suggests that these cells acquired inflammatory genetic programs at relapse, consistent with past reports of residual relapse-prone cells induced by chemotherapy45. Further studies involving remission samples and epigenetic analysis of latent LSC populations across disease states could clarify the role of these cells in the initiation of AML relapse.
Single-cell mitochondrial ATAC-seq demonstrated that during chemotherapy, the AML as a whole evolves, with all populations changing their epigenetic state to occupy a distinct chromatin profile. At the same time, relapse mitoclones became epigenetically more similar to each other after chemotherapy in multiple samples, revealing a pattern of epigenetic convergent evolution. This is consistent with the idea of specific epigenetic traits and pathways being selected for during therapy, demonstrated by our bulk ATAC-seq data. These findings demonstrate that epigenetic evolution occurs in similar ways across genomically stable AMLs and that within these AMLs, epigenetic selection results in the convergence of global epigenetic states across clones.
The stable cases in our relapsed AML cohort exhibited a shared chromatin accessibility signature, suggesting the existence of a favorable epigenetic state contributing to eventual relapse which reflected activation of cell cycle gene pathways and DNA damage response. Based on this bulk ATAC-seq data, we hypothesized that epigenetic evolution could occur via different clonal mechanisms: either intercellular epigenetic evolution, wherein epigenetic cell clones with fixed chromatin states could be selected for at relapse, or intracellular epigenetic evolution, whereby cell populations across the entire AML adopt similar alterations in chromatin accessibility that permit survival and chemoresistance. Our single cell ATAC sequencing data demonstrated that in some patients, epigenetically defined subpopulations of AML cells are selected for during therapy based on their epigenetic similarity to relapse epigenetic states, independent of genomic stability. In addition, our mitochondrial tracing data revealed that the mitoclones in the genetically stable AMLs were stable and did not demonstrate the selection of specific mitochondrial clones at relapse. We hypothesize that the selection of epigenetically defined clones is not detected by mitochondrial tracing since the AMLs analyzed in this study relapsed over the course of months and that there may not have been time for mitochondrial variants to accumulate in the epigenetically defined clones that were selected for at relapse in the stable samples.
Notably, we performed mitochondrial tracing in one genetically non-stable sample and found that there was substantial selection for and against multiple mitoclones in this sample. Although this represents a single AML, when considered alongside the stable samples, our data is consistent with the idea that mitochondrial variant heteroplasmy and dynamics capture AML evolution over longer periods of time and their stability is independent of the selection for epigenetic states or clones that occurs during shorter periods of time. In addition, the stability of mitoclones at relapse in the stable samples is consistent with the findings from our genetic studies that showed clonal stability, indicating that the samples we classified as stable in our study truly did not acquire or lose genetically defined clones during therapy and that our genetic studies were adequately powered to classify samples into clonal groups.
Several mechanisms could account for the epigenetic plasticity reported in many of the AML relapse patients from this study. Virtually all the samples queried here harbored mutations in epigenetic modifiers regulating chromatin, such as DNA methylation, histone methylation, or transcription factors such as RUNX1, reflecting the known landscape of epigenetic disruption by recurrent mutations in AML. It is possible that the altered chromatin state conferred by the loss of function of these regulators creates a permissive epigenetic state, allowing a “flexibility” of the epigenome taken advantage of by cancer cells to grant an evolutionary growth or survival advantage, as has been previously postulated21. Several studies in the past have highlighted the importance of the non-coding regulatory genome in leukemia, and cancer generally46, 47. Our data reported here further reinforces the utility of chromatin accessibility as a readout for cell identity and epigenetic landscape. Future analysis of epigenetic mechanisms of relapsed AML will require the analysis of chromatin modifications, including DNA (hydroxy)methylation and histone marks, to specifically characterize the modification of gene regulatory sequences and specific pathways driving epigenetic evolution at different stages of leukemia and tumorigenesis.
The diversity of clonal evolutionary patterns characterized by our single-cell data highlights the challenge of developing novel therapeutics for, and curing, relapsed leukemia. Though we identify a broadly relapse-specific chromatin signature for mutationally stable samples, we note that there remains striking heterogeneity between patients in the dynamics by which various leukemic clones grow or recede at relapse. Our data also suggests mutational evolution and epigenetic evolution are connected, yet ultimately separate phenomena, as we observed several samples where one process appears to occur in the absence of the other. Moreover, we also identify several patients where there is little apparent clonal evolution, either via genetic variant marks or epigenetic configuration, begging the question of how these cases gain the ability to relapse. Additionally, other cell-extrinsic factors, interactions with the immune system and/or microenvironment, metabolic pathways, or other processes not made apparent through our analysis may have provided additional factors contributing to relapse. Future efforts to detail the cellular mechanisms of relapse and identify therapeutic avenues will likely require analyzing patient-specific mutations or epigenome-specific chromatin features to combat relapsed cell clones. Altogether, this study demonstrates the heterogeneity and importance of epigenetic evolutionary mechanisms including convergent evolution in the relapse of AML.
Author Contributions
K.A.N., A.A., and R.M. conceived the project. K.A.N., T.K., A.E., and M.R.C. performed the experimental work. A.A., K.A.N., C.A.L., A.E., M.R.C, and A.T.S. performed computational analysis. K.A.N., A.A., and R.M. wrote the manuscript.
Declaration of Interests
R.M. is on the Advisory Boards of Kodikaz Therapeutic Solutions, Orbital Therapeutics, and 858 Therapeutics and is an inventor on a number of patents related to CD47 cancer immunotherapy licensed to Gilead Sciences. R.M. is a co-founder and equity holder of Pheast Therapeutics, MyeloGene, and Orbital Therapeutics. A.T.S. is a founder of Immunai and Cartography Biosciences and receives research funding from Allogene Therapeutics and Merck Research Laboratories. C.A.L. is a consultant for Cartography Biosciences.
Relapsed AML Genomic Meta-Analysis
A PubMed literature search was performed to identify papers studying mutational profiles in relapsed acute myeloid leukemia samples. Studies were screened manually and included in the meta-analysis if paired AML samples from both diagnosis and relapse timepoints were profiled, next generation sequencing was utilized, and raw or processed sequencing as well as clinical data were publicly available. After inclusion and exclusion, a total of 7 studies were identified which contained paired diagnosis-relapse genotyping data from a total of 312 AML patients. Mutation and clinical data from all studies was standardized and collated using R for further analyses and patients were filtered out of the cohort if data was not available to evaluate mutation VAFs at both diagnosis and relapse. After filtering, the cohort consisted of 216 patients which were used in further analysis. Gene name, variant allele frequency, and genomic location were consolidated for all reported mutations for each study. Age, sex, ELN risk stratification, AML type (de novo vs secondary), days to relapse, and karyotype were consolidated for each patient when available. We utilized an approach previously described in multiple other studies to define the gain and loss of mutations at relapse30, 32–34. Mutations were defined as “gained” if the VAF went from below 0.05 to above 0.1 between diagnosis and relapse timepoints. Mutations were defined as “lost” if the VAF went from above 0.1 to below 0.05 between diagnosis and relapse. All other mutations were classified as “stable”. Importantly, all studies utilized in the meta-analysis had detection cutoffs at or below 0.05, allowing us to standardize the classification of mutations into gained, lost, and stable categories. For mutations with non-quantifiable VAFs (FLT3 ITD and NPM1 insertions), mutations were classified as either absent or present based on the analytical methods used in the associated studies. The combined meta-analysis dataset was then utilized for downstream analyses. The “oncoprint” mutation map was generated using custom scripts and the ComplexHeatmap package in R. The ternary plot for mutation visualization was generated using a modified oncoprint matrix data file (available in supplement) and the Ternary package in R. Relapse free survival between genomically “stable” and “unstable” cases was compared using Kaplan-Meier analysis; significance was determined using cox proportional hazards analysis using age and sex as covariates in the model (R packages survival and survminer).
Human AML samples
Human AML samples were obtained from patients at the Stanford Medical Center with informed consent, according to institutional review board (IRB)-approved protocols (Stanford IRB, 18329 and 6453). Mononuclear cells from each sample were isolated by Ficoll separation, resuspended in 90% FBS +10% DMSO, and cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen. All analyses conducted here on AML cells used freshly thawed cells.
Cell sorting
Cell samples were first thawed and incubated at 37°C with 200 U/mL DNase in IMDM +10% FBS. To enrich for CD34 +cells, magnetic bead separation was performed using MACS beads (Miltenyi Biotech) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
For cell staining and sorting, the following antibody cocktail was used with the sorting schemes shown in Figures 2A, 3A, and 5A for respective cell type and library preparation:
● CD34-APC, clone 581, Biolegend, at 1:50 dilution.
● CD38-PE-Cy7, clone HB7, Biolegend, 1:25 dilution.
● CD19-PE-Cy5, clone H1B9, BD Biosciences, 1:50 dilution
● CD20-PE-Cy5, clone 2H7, BD Biosciences, 1:50 dilution
● CD3-APC-Cy7, clone SK7, BD Biosciences, 1:25 dilution
● CD99-FITC, clone TU12, BD Biosciences, 1:20 dilution
● TIM3-PE, clone 344823, R and D Systems, 1:20 dilution
● CD45-KromeOrange, clone J.33, Beckman Coulter at 1:25 dilution
Samples were sorted using a Becton Dickinson FACS Aria II. AML blasts were resuspended and kept in cold FACS buffer containing 1 ug/mL propidium iodide prior to and after sorting. Cells were then immediately prepared for downstream processing.
Targeted Genome Sequencing
Targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) was performed using commercially available reagents according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Briefly, purified genomic DNA was sheared using a Covaris S220 instrument to 250bp fragments, end repair and adapter ligation was performed using the Celero DNA-Seq kit (Tecan Genomics, Redwood City, CA, USA) and hybrid capture was performed using the xGen AML Cancer Panel (IDT, Coralville, IA, USA). Libraries were sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq platform. Variant calling was performed using an established pipeline in the Majeti Lab as described below. Briefly, after quality control and read trimming, reads were aligned to the hg38 reference genome using BWA-MEM (Li H et al., Bioinformatics 2009, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp324)48, sorted, indexed and de-duplicated using SAMTools (Li et al., Bioinformatics 2009 doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp352)49 and Picard (http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard), respectively. Variants were called using Mutect2 (Cibulskis et al., Nature Biotech 2013, doi: 10.1038/nbt.2514)50, VarScan2 (Koboldt, D et al., Genome Research 2012, doi: 10.1101/gr.129684.111)51 and VarDict (Lai Z et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2016, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw227)52 in parallel. Only variants called by ≥2 callers were retained and annotated using SnpEff (Cingolani P et al., Fly (Austin) 2012, doi: 10.4161/fly.19695)53. Called variants were then used to determine major mutational shifts between disease states; “major clone” mutations were defined as mutations having a detected average variant allele frequency of greater than 5%. Mutations were also categorized according to known disease relevance by sorting into three “tiers”: Tier 1 mutations known to play a role in AML and hematologic malignancies, Tier 2 mutations with known or potential oncogenic activity, and Tier 3, synonymous variants or variants of unknown significance. Tier 3 variants were filtered out prior to evaluating genomic evolution at relapse. All mutations were manually reviewed using IGV to visualize bam files for validation and verification of pathogenicity.
Bulk ATAC-seq Library Preparation And Sequencing
Sorted AML blasts were prepared for ATAC-seq as previously described54. 5,000-50,000 cells were washed in cold FACS buffer and spun at 4°C for 5 minutes at 500 rcf in a fix-angled centrifuge. Cell pellets were then resuspended in 50 uL of ATAC-seq resuspension buffer (RSB: 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 10 mM NaCl, and 3 mM MgCl2 in water) with 0.1% NP40, 0.01% digitonin, and 0.1% Tween-20 and incubated on ice for three minutes. After lysis, 1 mL of ATAC-seq RSB with 0.1% Tween-20 was added and tubes were inverted six times to mix. Isolated nuclei were then spun at 4°C for 10 minutes at 500 rcf in a fix-angled centrifuge. Supernatant was removed and nuclei were resuspended in 50 uL transposition mix (25uL 2xTD buffer, 2.5 uL Tn5 transposase (100 nM final), 16.5 uL PBS, 0.5 uL 1% digitonin, 0.5 uL 10% Tween-20, and 5 uL nuclease-free water). Transposition reactions were incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes in a thermomixer with shaking at 1000 rpm. Reactions were cleaned up using Qiagen MinElute Reaction Cleanup kits and processed as previously described. All libraries were amplified with a target concentration of 20 μl at 4 nM, which is equivalent to 80 femtomoles of product. All libraries were sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq with 75 bp paired end reads.
Bulk ATAC-seq pre-processing, peak calling and merging, and count matrix generation
ATAC-sea data was processed based on workflows similar to Corces et al. Science 201826. First, read trimming and quality control was performed using trim_galore using default parameters. Reads were aligned to the GRCh38 reference genome using bowtie2 and the -- very-sensitive option. Aligned reads were converted to bam format and sorted using SAMtools, and deduplicated using Picard MarkDuplicates. Reads were subsequently indexed and mitochondrial reads were removed using SAMTools. TagAlign bed files from technical replicate libraries were generated using bedtools, shifted to find ATAC-seq cut sites, and pooled. Peaks were called using MACS2 using p-value cut-off of 0.01 and peaks falling within black list regions (https://sites.google.com/site/anshulkundaje/projects/blacklists) were removed. A consensus peak set was generated using methods from Corces et al. Science 201828. Briefly, called peaks were merged by merging all peak bed files and using an iterative removal process to resolve overlapping peaks. This approach resulted in a consensus set of 115,551 500bp fixed-width peaks covering accessible regions represented in at least 2 or more samples. Count matrices were generated using the consensus peak set, and the number of Tn5 cut sites in each peak were calculated using the CountOverlaps function from the GenomicRanges package in R.
Diagnosis vs Relapse chromatin similarity
Global chromatin similarity between diagnosis and relapse samples for each patient was calculated by first averaging the peaks counts per million vector between replicates across all samples and taking the pearson-product moment correlation between diagnosis and relapse timepoints. This approach was utilized for both bulk AML ATAC-seq samples and LSC-enriched ATAC-seq samples.
Gene accessibility scores
Accessibility scores were generated across all genes across all samples utilizing an approach previously described in Granja and Corces et al. Nature Genetics 2021 which was shown to estimate the expression levels of a gene more faithfully than other methods36. Using the ArchR approach, a 5kb tile matrix was utilized and for each gene, tiles falling within TSS-5kb to TTS were assigned a weight of 1+e^-1, and flanking tiles were assigned a weight using an exponential decay model of e^(-abs(distance)/5000) + e^-1. Tiles were assigned a weight of 0 if they ran into adjacent genes or if they were >20000bp from the gene. Tn5 insertions were normalized per tile, and summed per gene to generate a gene accessibility score. These scores were then used to generate a gene accessibility score matrix which was utilized in subsequent analyses.
Differential Accessibility
Differential accessibility analysis was performed using the Tn5 cut sites per peak matrix or gene accessibility scores matrix. Raw count matrices were utilized as input to the DESeq2 model for this purpose. The DESeq model was used with default parameters to normalize the data and perform differential accessibility analysis across all features. Differential accessibility was performed across stable samples between diagnosis and relapse timepoints using patient labels as covariates to control for between patient differences.
Chromatin Accessibility Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
Gene set enrichment analysis was performed using the GSEA Mac App v4.2.3 (Broad Institute, Inc.) and the fgsea R package using a gene accessibility score matrix described above pre-ranked according to relapse vs diagnosis ATAC gene accessibility log fold change. Results were filtered by p-adjusted <0.05.
Bulk Projection To Healthy Hematopoietic Reference
To map bulk AML ATACseq samples to a healthy single cell reference and determine closest normal cell types, we utilized an approach from Granja et al. Nature Biotechnology 2021. This approach involved the generation of pseudo-single cell ATACseq samples from bulk samples and the utilization of latent semantic indexing to project these pseudo-single cell libraries to the healthy reference. Briefly, pseudo-single cell samples were generated for each bulk ATAC sample by sampling reads to generate 250 pseudo-single cells per sample. These pseudo-single cell samples were then subjected to LSI and projection to the healthy hematopoietic reference. For full details, see “projection to healthy hematopoietic reference” below, and Granja et al. Nature Biotechnology 202135.
Leukemia Stem Cell Chromatin Accessibility Analysis
ATACseq data from sorted LSC-enriched cell populations was processed in a similar way as the bulk AML cells (described above).
10X Single-Cell ATAC-seq
Sorted AML blasts were prepared with 10X Genomics Chromium Single Cell ATAC Kit v1.1 according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Samples were uniquely barcoded and quantified using an Agilent BioAnalyzer 2100 or a KAPA qPCR quantification kit. Sample libraries were loaded onto an Illumina NovaSeq and sequenced with 50x8x16x50 read configuration with an average of 25,000 paired end reads per single cell.
scATAC-seq Analysis
scATAC-seq data was processed using a combination of cellranger, ArchR, and custom analysis scripts described below. All analysis was performed in R version 4.0.5 unless otherwise specified.
Data processing, dimensional reduction, and data filtering
scATAC fastq files were processed using the cellranger pipeline with standard parameters. Fragment files from cellranger were processed with the ArchR software to generate Arrow files using the createArrowFiles function for each single cell sample which were subsequently stored locally for downstream processing. Using ArchR, doublet scores were assigned to each cell and cells deemed to be doublets by ArchR were removed from all samples. Next, latent semantic indexing, batch correction, and clustering were performed using the ArchR functions addIterativeLSI, addHarmony, and addClusters functions respectively.
To visualize the accessibility of specific genes across cells, we utilized the ArchR function addGeneScoreMatrix to generate a gene accessibility score matrix for each sample. These matrices were used in downstream analyses to visualize and quantify gene specific chromatin accessibility. Samples in the study were visualized using UMAP dimensional reduction which was performed using the ArchR addUMAP function and default parameters. Upon visualization of clusters, we observed that for 3 of 4 samples, there existed a low percentage of cells that clustered separately from the bulk of AML cells. We hypothesized that these differences were biologically relevant or were caused by residual healthy immune cells captured and sequenced during sample preparation. To test this, we quantified and visualized the accessibility of genes shown to be highly expressed in T cell (CD89, TLR4, GZMA, CD247), B cell (TCL1, CD37), monocyte (CD209), and other cell subsets. Clusters that exhibited high accessibility of these genes which were overall epigenetically dissimilar to the bulk of the sample were filtered and excluded from downstream analysis as they were deemed to be residual contaminating healthy immune cells.
Projection to healthy hematopoietic reference
In order to identify the closest normal celltypes associated with cells in the AML single cell ATACseq data, we used an approach from Granja et al. Nature Biotechnology 2021 which involves Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and projection of the sparse single cell data onto a single cell ATACseq manifold derived from healthy hematopoietic cell types35. This approach ultimately results in a low dimensional representation of both the healthy hematopoietic reference data as well as the AML single cell ATAC data through which the projection can be visualized and the closest normal cell type for each AML cell can be calculated. For full details of analysis, please see the codebase for this manuscript or Granja et al. Nature Biotechnology 2021.
Following the application of LSI, dimensional reduction was further performed using the UMAP algorithm as described in Granja et al. The output of the UMAP projection was used to visualize the AML cells alongside the healthy hematopoietic scATAC reference. To classify AML cells based on their nearest healthy hematopoietic neighbors in epigenetic space, we used the LSI dimensional reduction output from both healthy and diseased cell states and classified each disease cell based on the top 10 healthy cells that it was closest to in LSI space using the knn function in the class package in R. These classifications were then used for visualization and quantification of the overall differentiation status and closest normal cell types for each cell and overall AML for each sample.
Relapse Chromatin Score
We generated a “relapse chromatin score” for each cell evaluated using scATACseq in the study to determine how “relapse-like” each cell was and whether there was variability in relapse-like states within samples. To generate a relapse score for each cell, we utilized the addFeatureCounts function from ArchR to sum the ATAC enrichment across the top 500 genes in our relapse signature derived from the bulk stable samples (analysis shown in Figure 2). We then subtracted from this value the sum of the bottom 500 genes from the same relapse signature. This resulted in a single numerical value per cell with higher values indicating that the cell contained an epigenetic state more similar to bulk relapse samples and less similar to diagnosis relapse samples. We then visualized and quantified these values across all cells and samples evaluated in the study.
Library Preparation and Sequencing
Mitochondrial single-cell ATAC-seq was performed as previously described42. Modifications were made to the 10X Single-cell ATAC-seq protocol to accommodate capture of mitochondrial reads: briefly, freshly sorted AML blast cells were washed in PBS and fixed in 1% formaldehyde in PBS for 10 minutes at room temperature. Fixation was quenched with glycine to a final concentration 0.125 M, then washed twice in PBS and spun at 400g for 5 minutes in a fixed-angle centrifuge at 4°C. Cells were then treated with a gentle lysis buffer consisting of 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 10 mM NaCl, 3 mM MgCl2, 0.1% NP40, and 1% BSA for 3 min on ice, then 1 ml of chilled wash buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 10 mM NaCl, 3 mM MgCl2, 1% BSA) and mixed by inversion before centrifugation. Cells were then processed with 10X Chromium Single Cell ATAC Kit v1.1 according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Samples were uniquely barcoded and quantified using an Agilent BioAnalyzer 2100. Sample libraries were loaded onto an Illumina NovaSeq and sequenced with 50x8x16x50 read configuration with an average of 25,000 paired end reads per single cell.
mt-scATAC-seq Analysis
mgatk variant heteroplasmy identification
Raw sequencing reads were demultiplexed using CellRanger-ATAC mkfastq and aligned to the host reference genome using CellRanger-ATAC v2.0 with default settings. Somatic mitochondrial DNA mutations were called using the mgatk software v0.6.2 using the ‘tenx’ mode and the default parameters. Somatic mutations used for mitoclone analyses were determined from the default output of the mgatk workflow, including the variantStats file and subsequently clustering the per-mutation, per-cell heteroplasmy matrix.
Clone and evolution hierarchy identification
Mitochondrial clones were identified as previously described in Lareau et al. Nature Biotechnology42. First, mitochondrial variants were filtered based on heuristics previously described in Lareau et al. Variants were deemed high quality if the number of cells the variant was detected in was greater than 3, strand correlation during sequencing was greater than 65%, and mean coverage at the locus was greater than 10 reads. The variants which passed filtering were manually extracted and used in subsequent steps. Next, these variants were read into a variant by cell matrix containing heteroplasmy values for each variant in each cell. This matrix was then binarized and the seuratSNN function from the R package Seurat was used to cluster the matrix and identify unsupervised clusters of cells grouped by their mitochondrial variants. Clustering resolution was manually selected as previously described. The average heteroplasmy for each variant in each cluster was inspected to verify that clusters were not primarily driven by low heteroplasmy variants. The clonal hierarchy for each sample was determined manually by building a clonal evolution tree based on shared and exclusive mitochondrial variants across all clusters for each sample. The resulting hierarchy and corresponding mito-clone frequencies were plotted using the fishplot package in R.
Mitoclone projection
Cells were projected to the healthy hematopoietic reference as described above. Mitochondrial variants were then mapped to the projection plot to display the differentiation status of cells containing various mitochondrial variants.
Clone chromatin similarity
Clone similarity was calculated by generating a pseudo-bulk ATACseq sample for each cluster and then taking the pearson-product moment correlation across all peaks between pairs of clusters. This process was performed between all diagnosis clusters and all relapse clusters independently, and the resulting inter-time point similarities were compared between diagnosis and relapse for each sample.
Data and Code Availability
Sequencing data will be uploaded to GEO. Code used for data analysis for all figures in this study is available at (https://github.com/armonazizi/Azizi_Nuno_AML_Relapse_Chromatin). Any additional information necessary for analysis of the data reported in this study will be made available upon request.
Supplementary data associated
K.A.N. acknowledges support by the Stanford Cancer Biology Graduate Program’s NIH T32 Training Grant. A.A was supported by the ASH HONORS award. T.K. is a Special Fellow of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This work was supported by NIH Grants 1R01CA251331 (R.M.), HG012579 (C.A.L.), HG012076 (C.A.L., M.R.C., A.T.S.). Additional support was provided by the Stanford Ludwig Center for Cancer Stem Cell Research and Medicine (R.M.) This work was supported by a Lloyd J. Old STAR Award from the Cancer Research Institute (A.T.S.) and an ASH Scholar Award from the American Society of Hematology (A.T.S.).
We would like to thank all the members of the Majeti Lab for helpful comments and discussion, as well as members of Howard Chang’s laboratory for scientific input. We thank the Flow Cytometry Core at the Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine for flow cytometry equipment, maintenance, training, and discussion. We would also like to acknowledge the Stanford Functional Genomics Facility for sequencing equipment and training for single-cell studies. We additionally thank the Stanford Cancer Biology Graduate Program directors and program administration for support and input throughout this project. Finally, we would like to thank the patients and their families for their contribution of samples for this study.