Despite newly formed polyploids being subjected to myriad fitness consequences, the relative prevalence of polyploidy both contemporarily and in ancestral branches of the tree of life suggests alternative advantages that outweigh these consequences. One proposed advantage is that polyploids may more easily colonize novel habitats such as deglaciated areas. However, previous research conducted in diploids suggests that range expansion comes with a fitness cost as deleterious mutations may fix rapidly on the expansion front. Here, we interrogate the potential consequences of expansion in polyploids by conducting spatially explicit forward-in-time simulations to investigate how ploidy and inheritance patterns impact the relative ability of polyploids to expand their range. We show that under realistic dominance models, autopolyploids suffer greater fitness reductions than diploids as a result of range expansion due to the fixation of increased mutational load that is masked in the range core. Alternatively, the disomic inheritance of allopolyploids provides a shield to this fixation resulting in minimal fitness consequences. In light of this advantage provided by disomy, we investigate how range expansion may influence cytogenetic diploidization through the reversion to disomy in autotetraploids. We show that under a wide range of parameters investigated for two models of diploidization, disomy frequently evolves more rapidly on the expansion front than in the range core, and that this dynamic inheritance model has additional effects on fitness. Together our results point to a complex interaction between dominance, ploidy, inheritance, and recombination on fitness as a population spreads across a geographic range.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
We have significantly revised the results by conducting additional simulations, expanding the diploidization model, and including several additional supplemental figures.