Background A variant can be pathogenic or benign with relation to a human disease. Current classification categories from benign to pathogenic reflect a probabilistic summary of current understanding. A primary metric of clinical utility for multiplexed assays of variant effect (MAVE) is the number of variants that can be reclassified from uncertain significance (VUS). However, we hypothesized that this measure of utility underrepresents the information gained from MAVEs and that an information theory approach which includes data that does not reclassify variants will better reflect true information gain. We used this information theory approach to evaluate the information gain, in bits, for MAVEs of BRCA1, PTEN, and TP53. Here, one bit represents the amount of information required to completely classify a single variant starting from no information.
Results BRCA1 MAVEs produced a total of 831.2 bits of information, 6.58% of the total missense information in BRCA1 and a 22-fold increase over the information that only contributed to VUS reclassification. PTEN MAVEs produced 2059.6 bits of information which represents 32.8% of the total missense information in PTEN and an 85-fold increase over the information that contributed to VUS reclassification. TP53 MAVEs produced 277.8 bits of information which represents 6.22% of the total missense information in TP53 and a 3.5-fold increase over the information that contributed to VUS reclassification.
Conclusions An information content approach will more accurately portray information gained through MAVE mapping efforts than counting the number of variants reclassified. This information content approach may also help define the impact of modifying information definitions used to classify many variants, such as guideline rule changes.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
Author Emails:
John Michael Ranola – jranola{at}ambrygen.com
Carrie Horton – chorton{at}ambrygen.com
Tina Pesaran – tpesaran{at}ambrygen.com
Shawn Fayer - sfayer{at}uw.edu
Lea Starita – lstarita{at}uw.edu