Whole-cell models (WCMs) are multi-scale computational models that aim to simulate the function of all genes and biological processes within a cell. While WCMs offer deeper insights into how cells behave, they also require significant computational resources to run. Here, we show how machine learning (ML) surrogates can be used to address this limitation by training them on WCM outputs to accurately predict whether cells divide successfully across several generations when a subset of genes are removed (knocked out). Our ML surrogate achieves a 95% reduction in computational time when compared to the original WCM. We then used the surrogate and a genome-design algorithm to generate an in silico reduced E. coli cell, where 40% of the genes included in the WCM were removed. This approach illustrates how the holistic understanding provided by the WCM can be leveraged for synthetic biology tasks, while mitigating its computational burden through machine learning.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
↵† Joint senior authors.
We added more explanations on whole-cell modelling. We also added more information in the genes that were only removed in our reduced genome and not the literature ones. This information includes and additional supplementary table. Some information from the supplementary material was moved to the methods section.