Metazoan animals rely on oxygen for survival, but during normal development and homeostasis, animals are often challenged by hypoxia (low oxygen). In metazoans, many of the critical hypoxia responses are mediated by the evolutionarily conserved hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIFs). The stability and activity of HIF complexes are strictly regulated. In the model organism C. elegans, HIF-1 stability and activity are negatively regulated by VHL-1, EGL-9, RHY-1 and SWAN-1. Importantly, C. elegans mutants carrying strong loss-of-function mutations in these genes are viable, and this provides opportunities to interrogate the molecular consequences of persistent HIF-1 over-activation. We find that the genome-wide gene expression patterns are compellingly similar in these mutants, supporting models in which RHY-1, SWAN-1 and EGL-9 function in common pathway(s) to regulate HIF-1 activity. These studies illuminate the diversified biological roles played by HIF-1, including metabolism, hypoxia and other stress responses, reproduction and development. Genes regulated by persistent HIF-1 over-activation overlap with genes responsive to pathogens, and they overlap with genes regulated by DAF-16. As crucial stress regulators, HIF-1 and DAF-16 converge on key stress-responsive genes and function synergistically to enable hypoxia survival.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.