The essential role of the gut microbiota for host health and nutrition is well established for many terrestrial animals, while its importance for fish and particularly Atlantic salmon is unclear. Here, we present the Salmon Microbial Genome Atlas (SMGA) originating from wild and farmed fish both in freshwater and seawater, and consisting of 211 high-quality bacterial genomes, recovered by cultivation (n=131) and gut metagenomics (n=80). Bacterial genomes were taxonomically assigned into 14 different orders, including 28 distinctive genera and 31 potentially novel species. Benchmarking the SMGA, we functionally characterized key populations in the salmon gut that were detected in vivo. This included the ability to degrade diet-derived fibers and release vitamins and other exo-metabolites with known beneficial effects, which were validated by in vitro cultivation and untargeted metabolomics. Together, the SMGA enables high resolution functional insight into salmon gut microbiota with relevance for salmon nutrition and health.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.