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Taste cells expressing Ionotropic Receptor 94e reciprocally impact feeding and egg laying in Drosophila
Jacqueline Guillemin, Viktoriya Li, Grace Davis, Kayla Audette, Jinfang Li, Meghan Jelen, View ORCID ProfileSasha A.T. McDowell, Samy Slamani, Liam Kelliher, View ORCID ProfileMichael D. Gordon, View ORCID ProfileMolly Stanley
Jacqueline Guillemin
1University of Vermont, Department of Biology, Burlington, VT,
Viktoriya Li
2University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology, Vancouver, BC
Grace Davis
1University of Vermont, Department of Biology, Burlington, VT,
Kayla Audette
1University of Vermont, Department of Biology, Burlington, VT,
Jinfang Li
2University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology, Vancouver, BC
Meghan Jelen
2University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology, Vancouver, BC
Sasha A.T. McDowell
2University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology, Vancouver, BC
Samy Slamani
1University of Vermont, Department of Biology, Burlington, VT,
Liam Kelliher
1University of Vermont, Department of Biology, Burlington, VT,
Michael D. Gordon
2University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology, Vancouver, BC
Molly Stanley
1University of Vermont, Department of Biology, Burlington, VT,

Article usage
Posted January 23, 2024.
Taste cells expressing Ionotropic Receptor 94e reciprocally impact feeding and egg laying in Drosophila
Jacqueline Guillemin, Viktoriya Li, Grace Davis, Kayla Audette, Jinfang Li, Meghan Jelen, Sasha A.T. McDowell, Samy Slamani, Liam Kelliher, Michael D. Gordon, Molly Stanley
bioRxiv 2024.01.23.576843; doi:
Taste cells expressing Ionotropic Receptor 94e reciprocally impact feeding and egg laying in Drosophila
Jacqueline Guillemin, Viktoriya Li, Grace Davis, Kayla Audette, Jinfang Li, Meghan Jelen, Sasha A.T. McDowell, Samy Slamani, Liam Kelliher, Michael D. Gordon, Molly Stanley
bioRxiv 2024.01.23.576843; doi:
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