American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos) are long-lived birds with pair bonds that may last many years. Pairs in Stillwater, OK, nested singly or in groups with up to 10 auxiliaries (Caffrey and Peterson 2015). Breeders did most of the nest building. Pair members contributed at approximately equal rates, although the sexes differed slightly in details: males tended to carry sticks and hand off materials more often, and females spent more time at and in nests. Both sexes worked faster on second and third attempts than on first attempts of the season. We found no evidence that pair members were (sexually) signaling to each other via their contributions. Incubation periods were characterized by low levels of activity at nests, where females spent most of their time and were fed once every 3-4 hours, mostly by their mates. Contributions to both stages of nesting by auxiliaries varied widely and exhibited no patterns with respect to any measured phenotypic characteristics.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.