Breeding pairs of American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) in Stillwater, OK, lived with 0-10 auxil-iaries in territories distributed throughout public, campus, commercial, and residential areas. Unpaired crows moved easily among groups throughout the year, but commonly did so during the two months or so preceding the onset of nesting across the population, and the week or so preceding hatching within groups. In 2001 and 2002, pre-hatch group size ranged from 2-10 (mean = 4.5 in both years), and auxiliaries included a male sibling, social and genetic offspring, step-offspring, half-siblings, and unrelated immigrants of both sexes, ranging in age from 1 to at least five years old. Twenty nine percent of pre-hatch auxiliaries dispersed out of groups at hatch-ing (for half, only temporarily), including all females unrelated to female breeders. Post-hatch group size ranged from 2-6, with means of 3.7 in both years, and the post-hatch auxiliary popula-tion differed in composition from the pre-hatch population: whereas post-hatch male auxiliaries included a sibling, half siblings, and unrelated immigrants in addition to social and genetic sons, all post-hatch female auxiliaries were the social and genetic daughters of female breeders, and all but one (the same individual in both years) were also the social and genetic daughters of male breeders.
Crows in Stillwater delayed breeding for one or more years beyond sexual maturity, despite the availability of space and members of the opposite sex. Individual dispersal decisions by unpaired crows, and the behavior of paired territory owners, did not follow patterns described for other cooperative breeders. We found little support for extant theories regarding the formation, com-position, and maintenance of avian groups, and discuss aspects of the lives of crows that may have contributed to the complex and benign nature of this population’s society.
How to Cite: Caffrey, C. and C. C. Peterson. 2015. Group composition and dynamics in American
Crows: insights into an unusual cooperative breeder. Friesen Press.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.