Worldwide Soundscapes: a synthesis of passive acoustic monitoring across realms
Abstract and keywords
Aim The urgency for remote, reliable, and scalable biodiversity monitoring amidst mounting human pressures on ecosystems has sparked worldwide interest in Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM), which can track life underwater and on land. However, we lack a unified methodology to report this sampling effort and a comprehensive overview of PAM coverage to gauge its potential as a global research and monitoring tool. To remediate this, we created the Worldwide Soundscapes project, a collaborative network and growing database comprising metadata from 409 datasets across all realms (terrestrial, marine, freshwater, and subterranean).
Location Worldwide, 12 200 sites, all ecosystems.
Time period 1991 to present.
Major taxa studied All soniferous taxa.
Methods We synthesise sampling coverage across spatial, temporal, and ecological scales using metadata describing sampling locations, deployment schedules, focal taxa, and recording parameters. We explore global trends in biological, anthropogenic, and geophysical sounds based on 168 recordings from twelve ecosystems across all realms.
Results Terrestrial sampling is spatially denser (45 sites/Mkm2) than aquatic sampling (0.3 and 1.8 sites/Mkm2 in oceans and fresh water) with only two subterranean datasets. Although diel and lunar cycles are well-covered in all realms, only marine datasets (56%) comprehensively sample all seasons. Across twelve ecosystems, biological sounds show contrasting diel patterns, decline with distance from the equator and negatively correlate with anthropogenic sounds.
Main conclusions PAM can inform macroecology studies as well as global conservation and phenology syntheses, but representation can be improved by expanding terrestrial taxonomic scope, sampling coverage in the high seas and subterranean ecosystems, and spatio-temporal replication in freshwater habitats. Overall, this global PAM network holds promise to support global biodiversity research and monitoring efforts.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
Ethics & Integrity Authorship The present study has involved people who carried out PAM-based studies as primary contributors. Their willingness to be informed through a mailing list, responsibility for their metadata, approval for sharing the meta-data publicly, and willingness to participate in this study as co-authors were explicitly stated in an online form-based collaboration agreement. Primary contributors who became co-authors all fulfilled either data curation (e.g., as providers of structured metadata) or project administration (e.g., as principal investigators designing the corresponding study) roles and additionally a manuscript revision role. They could be corresponding authors for published studies, referred contacts for unpublished studies, or principal investigators, and were asked to identify further primary and secondary contributors of their study. Primary contributors could become co-authors, and secondary contributors are acknowledged here. Some primary contributors were invited as co-leads to expand the network for particular realms or biomes and are listed in the first-tier authors list. Primary contributors who provided soundscape recordings additionally to metadata are also listed in the first-tier authors list. All primary contributors were asked to identify further contacts to reach a comprehensive coverage for the database.
Permits Necessary permits from landowners or environmental protection agencies, precautions to limit biological contaminations (e.g., biofilm on marine recorders), approvals for animal welfare, and local ethics committee reviews were the responsibility of the respective primary contributors.
Data availability The metadata used for all analyses except the case studies are archived in Zenodo: We provide the R script for reproducing the metadata analysis and graphs, as well as the R script and data for reproducing the case study analysis and graph. The demonstration collection providing all case study recordings is hosted here:
Conflict of interests The authors declare to have no competing interests. All authors have seen and approved the manuscript; it hasn’t been accepted or published elsewhere.
Funding The use of trade or firm names in this publication is for reader information and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government of any product or service. The findings and conclusions in this publication are those of the authors and should not be construed to represent any official U.S. Government determination or policy. JGM was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) under the Scientific Employment Stimulus - Institutional Call - (CEECINST/00037/2021). We acknowledge the NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences — NFDI4Earth, coordinated by TU Dresden, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) — project number: 460036893. BIOMON is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement 101090273. Larissa Sayuri M. Sugai and Liiana Piatti acknowledge grant Fundect T.O.:95/2023; SIAFEM: 33112. This paper is NOAA-PMEL contribution number 5948. Songhai Li acknowledges the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant numbers 42225604). Anna Franziska Cord was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2070 – 390732324. This research was also funded by a Westlake University Startup Fund (Thomas C Wanger).
more data and authors added, methods and abstract re-structured, Figure S4 updated
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