Organisational gradients refer to a continuous low-dimensional embedding of brain regions and can quantify core organisational principles of complex systems like the human brain. Mapping how these organisational principles are altered or refined across development and phenotypes is essential to understanding the relationship between brain and behaviour. Taking a developmental approach and leveraging longitudinal and cross-sectional data from two multi-modal neuroimaging datasets, spanning the full neurotypical-neurodivergent continuum, we charted the organisational variability of structural (N = 887) and functional (N = 728) gradients, across childhood and adolescence (6-19 years old). Across datasets, despite differing phenotypes, we observe highly similar structural and functional gradients. These gradients, or organisational principles, are highly stable across development, with the exact same ordering across early childhood into mid-adolescence. However, there is substantial developmental change in the strength of embedding within those gradients: by modelling developmental trajectories as non-linear splines, we show that structural and functional gradients exhibit sensitive periods and are refined across development. Specifically, structural gradients gradually contract in low-dimensional space as networks become more integrated, whilst the functional manifold expands, indexing functional specialisation. The coupling of these structural and functional gradients follows a unimodal-association axis and varies across individuals, with developmental effects concentrated in the more plastic higher-order networks. Importantly, these developmental effects on coupling, in these higher-order networks, are attenuated in the neurodivergent sample. Finally, we mapped structure-function coupling onto dimensions of psychopathology and cognition and demonstrate that coupling is a robust predictor of dimensions of cognition, such as working memory, but not psychopathology. In summary, across clinical and community samples, we demonstrate consistent principles of structural and functional brain organisation, with progressive structural integration and functional segregation. These are gradients are established early in life, refined through development, and their coupling is a robust predictor of working memory.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.