Numerous studies have shown that neuronal representations in sensory pathways are far from static but are instead strongly shaped by the complex properties of the sensory inputs they receive. Adaptation dynamically shapes the neural signaling that underlies our perception of the world yet remains poorly understood. We investigated rapid adaptation across timescales from hundreds of milliseconds to seconds through simultaneous multi-electrode recordings from the ventro-posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus (VPm) and layer 4 of the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in male and female anesthetized mice in response to controlled, persistent whisker stimulation. Observations in VPm and S1 reveal a degree of adaptation that progresses through the pathway. Signatures of two distinct timescales of rapid adaptation in the firing rates of both thalamic and cortical neuronal populations were revealed, also reflected in the synchrony of the thalamic population and in the thalamocortical synaptic efficacy that was measured in putatively monosynaptically connected thalamocortical pairs. Controlled optogenetic activation of VPm further demonstrated that the longer timescale adaptation observed in S1 is likely inherited from slow decreases in thalamic firing rate and synchrony. Despite the degraded sensory responses, adaptation resulted in a shift in coding strategy that favors theoretical discrimination over detection across the observed timescales of adaptation. Overall, although multiple mechanisms contribute to rapid adaptation at distinct timescales, they support a unifying framework on the role of adaptation in sensory processing.
Significance Statement Although the perceptual effects of persistent sensory stimulation have been known for centuries, the rapid sensory adaptation of the underlying neural signaling to these persistent inputs are not well understood. Here, we present evidence for two distinct timescales of adaptation over several seconds across the thalamocortical circuit in mice. We identify both the overall level of neural activity and the corresponding population synchrony of the thalamic inputs to primary somatosensory cortex as key role players shaping the cortical adaptation.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
We have included additional analyses of the adaptation profile of single neurons to complement our assessment of the neuronal populations. Additionally, we have greatly expanded the discussion of very important points, including 1) the generalizability of our results, 2) the relationship of the timescales of adaptation of thalamic firing rate and synchrony to cortical firing rate, and 3) the relationship between the sensory stimulation and optogenetic stimulation, as well as numerous other points described below. We have also improved the clarity of our methods in terms of the inferential nature of the monosynaptic connectivity and the relationship to past literature, the details of our stimulation protocols, the number of whiskers stimulated, and the identification of primary whiskers for recorded neurons.