A recent publication describing the assembly of the Y chromosomes of 43 males was remarkable not only for its ambitious technical scope, but also for the startling suggestion that the boundary of the pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1), where the human X and Y chromosomes engage in crossing-over during male meiosis, lies 500 kb distal to its previously reported location1. Where is the boundary of the human PAR1? We first review the evidence that mapped the PAR boundary, or PAB, before the human genome draft sequence was produced, then examine post-genomic datasets for evidence of crossing-over between the X and Y, and lastly re-examine the sequence assemblies presented by Hallast and colleagues to see whether they support a more distal PAB. We find ample evidence of X-Y crossovers throughout the 500 kb in question, some as close as 246 bp to the previously reported PAB. Our new analyses, combined with previous studies over the past 40 years, provide overwhelming evidence to support the original position, and narrow the probable location of the PAB to a 201-bp window.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.