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Method for determining of cytotoxicity based on the release of fluorescent proteins
Dmitry Lifanov, Dulamsuren Zorigt, Evgenya Shabalina, Abdullah Khalil, Konstantin Gorbunov, Elena Petersen
Dmitry Lifanov
1Institute of Future Biophysics, Dolgoprudny, Institutskiy per. 9
Dulamsuren Zorigt
1Institute of Future Biophysics, Dolgoprudny, Institutskiy per. 9
Evgenya Shabalina
1Institute of Future Biophysics, Dolgoprudny, Institutskiy per. 9
2Scientific Research Institute for Systems Biology and Medicine, Moscow, Nauchny prd.18
Abdullah Khalil
1Institute of Future Biophysics, Dolgoprudny, Institutskiy per. 9
Konstantin Gorbunov
2Scientific Research Institute for Systems Biology and Medicine, Moscow, Nauchny prd.18
Elena Petersen
1Institute of Future Biophysics, Dolgoprudny, Institutskiy per. 9
2Scientific Research Institute for Systems Biology and Medicine, Moscow, Nauchny prd.18
Article usage
Posted September 02, 2024.
Method for determining of cytotoxicity based on the release of fluorescent proteins
Dmitry Lifanov, Dulamsuren Zorigt, Evgenya Shabalina, Abdullah Khalil, Konstantin Gorbunov, Elena Petersen
bioRxiv 2024.08.31.610658; doi:
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