Article Information
- September 4, 2024.
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Author Information
- Pooja Anantha1,*,
- Xiangdong Wu2,*,
- Salaheldeen Elsaid2,
- Piyush Raj1,
- Ishan Barman1,3,4,┼ and
- Sui Seng Tee2,┼
- 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
- 2Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
- 3Department of Oncology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA
- 4The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Division of Cancer Imaging Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore MD 21205, USA
- ↵┼Co-corresponding authors: stee{at}
↵* These authors contributed equally to this work