Humans and other social animals can represent and navigate complex networks of social relationships in ways that are suggestive of representation and navigation in space. There is some evidence that cortical regions initially required for processing space have been adapted to include processing of social information. One candidate region for supporting both spatial and social information processing is the posterior parietal cortex (PPC). We examined the hypothesis that rats can transfer or generalize distance information across spatial and social domains and that this phenomenon requires the PPC. In a novel apparatus, rats learned to discriminate two conspecifics positioned at different spatial distances (near vs. far) in a goal-driven paradigm.
Following spatial learning, subjects were tested on probe trials in which spatial distance was replaced with social distance (cagemate vs. less familiar conspecific). The PPC was chemogenetically inactivated during a subset of probe sessions. We predicted that, in control probe trials, subjects would select conspecifics whose social distance matched the previously learned spatial distance. That is, if trained on the near distance, the rat would choose the highly familiar cagemate, and if trained on the far distance, the rat would choose the less familiar conspecific. Subjects learned to discriminate conspecifics based on spatial distance in our goal-driven paradigm. Moreover, choice for the appropriate social distance in the first probe session was significantly higher than chance. This result suggests that rats transferred learned spatial information to social contexts. Contrary to our predictions, PPC inactivation did not impair spatial to social information transfer. Possible reasons are discussed. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence that spatial and social distance are processed by shared cognitive mechanisms in the rat model.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
Colors were incorrect in Figure 5B. This was corrected.