Diacylglycerols (DAGs) are used for metabolic purposes and are tightly regulated secondary lipid messengers in eukaryotes. DAG subspecies with different fatty-acyl chains are proposed to be involved in the activation of distinct PKC isoforms, resulting in diverse physiological outcomes. However, the molecular players and the regulatory origin for fine-tuning the PKC pathway are unknown. Here, we show that Dip2, a conserved DAG regulator across Fungi and Animalia, has emerged as a modulator of PKC signalling in yeast. Dip2 maintains the level of a specific DAG subpopulation, required for the activation of PKC-mediated cell wall integrity pathway. Interestingly, the canonical DAG-metabolism pathways, being promiscuous, are decoupled from PKC signalling. We demonstrate that these DAG subspecies are sourced from a phosphatidylinositol pool generated by the acyl-chain remodelling pathway. Furthermore, we provide insights into the intimate coevolutionary relationship between the regulator (Dip2) and the effector (PKC) of DAG-based signalling. Hence, our study underscores the establishment of Dip2-PKC axis about 1.2 billion years ago in Opisthokonta, which marks the rooting of the first specific DAG-based signalling module of eukaryotes.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.