Wound healing after spinal cord injury involves highly coordinated interactions among multiple cell types, which is poorly understood. Astrocytes play a central role in creating a border against the non-neural lesion core. To do so, astrocytes undergo dramatic morphological changes by first thickening the processes and then elongating and overlap them. We show here show that the expression of a cell-surface receptor, Ryk, is induced in astrocytes after injury in both rodent and human spinal cord. Astrocyte-specific knockout of Ryk dramatically elongated the reactive astrocytes and accelerated the formation of the border and reduced the size of the scar. Astrocyte-specific knockout of Ryk also accelerated the injury responses of multiple cell types, including the resolution of neuroinflammation. Single cell transcriptomics analyses revealed a broad range of changes cell signaling among astrocytes, microglia, fibroblasts, endothelial cell, etc, after astrocyte-specific Ryk knockout, suggesting that Ryk not only regulates the injury response of astrocytes but may also regulate signals which coordinate the responses of multiple cell types. The elongation is mediated by NrCAM, a cell adhesion molecule induced by astrocyte-specific conditional knockout of Ryk after spinal cord injury. Our findings suggest a promising therapeutic target to accelerate wound healing and promote neuronal survival and enhance functional recovery.
Competing Interest Statement
Y.Z. is the founder of VersaPeutics and has equity, compensation and interim managerial role. The terms of this arrangement have been reviewed and approved by the University of California, San Diego in accordance with its conflict-of-interest policies. A disclosure of the design and sequences of antisense oligos against NrCAM has been submitted to UCSD Office of Innovation and Commercialization.