Brain atlases are essential for quantifying cellular composition in mouse brain regions. The Allen Institute’s Common Coordinate Framework version 3 (CCFv3) is widely used, delineating over 600 anatomical regions, but it lacks coverage for the most rostral and caudal brain parts, including the main olfactory bulb, cerebellum, and medulla. Additionally, the CCFv3 omits key cerebellar layers, and its corresponding Nissl-stained reference volume is not precisely aligned, limiting its utilisability. To address these issues, we developed an extended atlas, the Blue Brain Project CCFv3 augmented (CCFv3aBBP), which includes a fully annotated mouse brain and an improved Nissl reference aligned in the CCFv3. This enhanced atlas also features the central nervous system annotation (CCFv3cBBP). Using this resource, we aligned 734 Nissl-stained brains to produce an average Nissl template, enabling an updated distribution of neuronal soma positions. These data are available as an open-source resource, broadening applications such as improved alignment precision, cell type mapping, and multimodal data integration.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.