Identifying neural markers of clinical symptom fluctuations is prerequisite to developing more precise brain-targeted treatments in psychiatry. We have recently shown that working memory (WM) in healthy adults is dependent on the rise and fall interplay between alpha/beta and gamma bursts within frontoparietal regions, and that deviations in these patterns lead to WM performance errors. However, it is not known whether such bursting deviations underlie clinically relevant WM-related symptoms or clinical status in individuals with WM deficits. In adolescents (n=27) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), we investigated WM-related dynamics between alpha/beta and gamma bursts in relation to clinical status fluctuations. Participants repeatedly completed a visual Sternberg spatial working memory task during EEG recording as part of their participation in two research studies (n=224 person-sessions). Source localizing EEG data to each participant’s structural MRI, the rate and volume of alpha, beta, and gamma bursts were examined within the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC). Alpha/beta and gamma bursts at the DLPFC and PPC displayed complimentary roles in WM processes. Alpha/beta bursting decreased during stimuli encoding and increased during the delay, while gamma bursting was elevated during encoding and decreased during the delay. Deviations in bursting patterns were associated with WM errors and clinical symptoms. We conclude that dysfunctional alpha/beta and gamma burst dynamics within the frontoparietal region underlie both intra-individual WM performance and WM symptom fluctuations in adolescents with ADHD. Such burst dynamics reflect a novel target and biomarker for WM-related treatment development.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.