Background Atopic dermatitis ranks number one in skin diseases worldwide. It is challenging to treat; associated with burdens such as sleeping difficulties, depression, and anxiety and impairs life quality due to finances. This study aims to evaluate the potential of topical Curcuma Longa Essential Oil in the management of atopic dermatitis. It was driven by overwhelming side effects that present with the use of topical corticosteroids in the management of the condition yet they present a variety of side effects.
Methods Curcuma Longa Essential Oil was extracted by hydro-distillation of fresh rhizomes in a Clevenger apparatus. Thirty Wistar Albino rats; Male and Female; were divided into 5 groups, n=6. Atopic dermatitis was induced by rubbing a cotton ball soaked in acetone on rat skin for 5 minutes for three days. Groups were treated with Curcuma Longa Essential oil (1), 0.1% hydrocortisone (2), both Curcuma Longa Essential oil and hydrocortisone (3) and the remaining two groups were positive and negative control. The effect of Curcuma Longa Topical Essential oil was analysed using its effect on pruritus, Mast cell infiltration in skin biopsies and CRP levels in serum.
Results Pruritus decreased with the Curcuma Longa essential oil (CLEO) topical treatment and significantly compared to that in the positive group (P <0.0001.). Negative Control Vs Curcuma longa essential oil treatment showed a significant difference (P = 0.0001) in CRP levels. Mast cells significantly decreased in groups that had treatment compared to the Positive control.
Conclusion Curcuma longa Topical essential oil has the potential treat Acetone induced Atopic Dermatitis in Wistar Albino rats.
Recommendation 2% Curcuma Longa topical Essential oil on Atopic dermatitis should be studied on a Clinical trial.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.