The plasma membrane is a liquid lipid bilayer containing both dissolved proteins and proteins anchoring the membrane to the underlying actin cortex. Membrane tension, a 2D analog of pressure in a 3D liquid, is believed to play a crucial role in organizing essential processes within cells and tissues. This, along with recent, conflicting data on the speed of membrane tension propagation, highlights the need for a comprehensive mechanical model to describe tension in the cortex-anchored plasma membrane as a function of transmembrane hydrostatic pressure difference and excess membrane area due to cortex contraction. In this study, we present a mechanical model of plasma membrane compartments, separated by “picket fences” of cortex-anchoring proteins permeable to lipids. Beyond hydrostatic pressure, the model incorporates the 2D osmotic pressure exerted by membrane-dissolved proteins. Our findings reveal that the tension-area relationship within a membrane compartment exhibits a seemingly paradoxical feature: in a specific range of membrane surface area, an increase in area leads to a rise in tension. We further model the tension-area relationship for an ensemble of membrane compartments, which exchange membrane area through shared borders, and discuss potential biological implications of this model.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.