Negative feedback is a well-known mechanism for attenuating noise and enhancing robustness in biological systems. When coupled with cell-cell signaling, it provides a strategy for achieving population-level control in multicellular systems. While cell-cell signaling alone tends to reduce cell-to-cell variability by averaging fluctuations across cells, its interplay with negative feedback can produce contrasting effects on noise regulation at single-cell and population levels. Therefore, to design population-level controllers that achieve robust behaviors with attenuated noise, a systematically understanding of how different noise sources impact cell gene expressions at these levels become a critical challenge. Here, we investigate noise regulation in a quorum sensing-based negative feedback system, focusing on two extrinsic noise sources: process noise from target gene dynamics and measurement noise from quorum sensing dynamics. Our results reveal that signal-based negative feedback significantly reduces process noise at the population level, especially for dynamic noise. However, at the single-cell level, it enhances variability, with increased noise levels under faster signal diffusion and higher population density. In contrast, measurement noise is consistently attenuated at both single-cell and population levels through the coupled cell-cell signaling and negative feedback, under conditions of faster diffusion and higher density.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.