Dosage-sensitive transcription factors (TFs) underlie altered gene regulation in human developmental disorders, and cell-type specific gene regulation is linked to the reorganization of 3D chromatin during cellular differentiation. Here, we show dose-dependent regulation of chromatin organization by the congenital heart disease (CHD)- linked, lineage-restricted TF TBX5 in human cardiomyocyte differentiation. Genome organization, including compartments, topologically associated domains, and chromatin loops, are sensitive to reduced TBX5 dosage in a human model of CHD, with variations in response across individual cells. Regions normally bound by TBX5 are especially sensitive, while co-occupancy with CTCF partially protects TBX5-bound TAD boundaries and loop anchors. These results highlight the importance of lineage-restricted TF dosage in cell-type specific 3D chromatin dynamics, suggesting a new mechanism for TF-dependent disease.
Competing Interest Statement
BGB and KSP hold stock in Tenaya Therapeutics. VK is a current employee of Genentech and shareholder of Roche. BR is a co-founder of Epigenome Technologies and has equity in Arima Genomics.