All known protein components of one of the longest-studied human ribonucleoprotein ribozyme nuclear Ribonuclease MRP (RNase MRP), which processes pre-rRNA at ITS1 site 2, are shared with Ribonuclease P (RNase P), which cleaves pre-tRNA 5′ leader sequences. Our genome-wide forward genetic screening identified two poorly characterized human genes, which we named RPP24 and RPP64. We show that these two genes are required for pre-rRNA ITS1 site 2 processing and their protein products efficiently associate with RNA MRP. Unlike all other human RNase MRP protein components, RPP24 and RPP64 are not required for RNase P activity and do not associate with RNase P-specific RNA H1. Despite extremely limited sequence homology, RPP24 and RPP64 exhibit predicted structural similarities to two RNase MRP-specific components in S. cerevisiae, with specific differences in RPP64 regions of substrate recognition. Collectively, our functional screening and validation revealed the first two protein components unique to human nuclear RNase MRP.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.