Based on free text comments by 1191 students who participated in our national science and engineering fair (SEF) surveys during 2021-22 and 2022-23, we have learned new information about SEF participation and student interest in S&E. The positive reasons that students mentioned most frequently about why SEF participation increased their interest in S&E were: learned new things; experience doing research; enjoyed/fun experience; and career choice. The negative reasons most frequently mentioned by students were: participation was not fun/stressful/boring; not a good project; not interested in science; and required to participate. Overall, students who received coaching and help from scientists made the most positive comments. Students who participated in school-only level SEFs made the most negative. Reasons students gave why SEF participation increased their interest in S&E aligned with mastery criteria. By contrast, reasons students gave in a previous study regarding whether competitive SEFs should be required aligned with performance criteria. Mastery and performance orientations integrate differently with the three elements of self-determination theory: motivation, competence and community engagement. Recognizing these differences in relationship to the interests of high school students who participate in SEFs has the potential to enhance the impact of SEF participation on student STEM interests and knowledge.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.