Belcher’s (Magallana belcheri) and hooded (Saccostrea cuccullata) oysters are edible species in Myeik, Myanmar. Belcher’s oyster is particularly desirable for aquaculture because of its high price and potential value as export products. Previous studies have noted a mismatch between oyster spat settlement patterns and the maturity of the species’ gonads, suggesting the possible settling of unintended oyster species in the Myeik coastal area. To address this issue, DNA barcoding was used to identify oyster species collected from the Myeik coast. Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences from various sources of oysters sampled from mangrove roots, experimental cultivation rafts, and settled natural spat revealed an abundance of unidentified species of the genus Talonostrea in addition to Belcher’s and hooded oysters. Therefore, this study suggested that collecting aquaculture target oysters from natural spat is inefficient because only a low percentage is found in coastal areas.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.