X Chromosome Inactivation (XCI) equalizes X-linked gene expression between sexes. B cells exhibit dynamic XCI, with Xist RNA/heterochromatic marks absent on the inactive X (Xi) in naive B cells but returning following mitogenic stimulation. The impact of dynamic XCI on Xi structure and maintenance was previously unknown. Here, we find dosage compensation of the Xi with state-specific XCI escape genes in naive and in vitro activated B cells. Allele-specific OligoPaints indicate similar Xi and Xa territories in B cells that are less compact than in fibroblasts. Allele-specific Hi-C reveals a lack of TAD-like structures on the Xi of naive B cells, and stimulation-induced alterations in TAD-like boundary strength independent of gene expression. Notably, Xist deletion in B cells changes TAD boundaries and large-scale Xi compaction. Altogether, our results uncover B cell-specific Xi plasticity which could underlie sex-biased biological mechanisms.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.