Background In this new equity-driven landscape, if there is to be system-wide transformation in research funding allocation, indicators of funding allocations need to be explored. This environmental scan aims to understand how research funding for artificial intelligence (AI) has been allocated and distributed in Canada from 2011-2022. Using geographical representations, we describe and map research funding for Canadian researchers by publicly funded granting agencies and provide analyses for AI research spending since 2011
Methodology We developed a rapid environmental scan to create a database of all AI funded projects from the following agencies: CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC, CRC, AMS, NFRF and CFI. Using publicly available research funding reporting and agency websites, we identified through title, keyword and project summary screening, AI projects in English and French for the years 2011-2022.
Principal Findings A total of 4112 projects were identified, with the following information for each project recorded: title, year, institution, city, province, total funding, language, funding agency, funding program and primary investigator. A total of $384,933,265.74 million was allocated for publicly funded AI related projects in Canada from 2011-2022. Average funding per project was $93,612.18. The top three provinces with the most funding for all years are Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. The top three funding agencies by total amount for all years were NSERC at $155,267,817, CIHR at $136,594,644, and CFI at $58,317,627
Conclusion This information can assist in accountability and understanding of Canada’s publicly funded research allocations, and provide information related to the distribution of such funds, thus informing equity policy strategies.
Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
List of Abbreviations
- Associated Medical Services, a funding agency in Canada which focuses on research in compassion and technology-driven care and the history of medicine. https://www.ams-inc.on.ca/CFI-Canadian Foundation for Innovation, a non-profit corporation that invests in research infrastructure at Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals and non-profit research institutes. https://www.innovation.ca/
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada’s federal funding agency for health research, comprised of 13 institutes (Aging; Cancer Research; Circulatory and Respiratory Health; Gender and Health; Genetics; Health Services and Policy Research; Human Development, Child and Youth Health; Indigenous Peoples’ Health; Infection and Immunity; Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis; Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction; Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes; Population and Public Health). Part of the federal tri-agency granting councils of Canada. https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca
- Canada Research Chairs, part of the federal tri-agency granting councils of Canada and is part of a national strategy to attract and retain top research talent in Canada through two streams of Research Chairs, tier 1 and tier 2. Research chairs are allocated based on the level of tri-agency funding for institutions, with Tier 1 Chairs valued at $1,400, 000 and Tier 2 Chairs valued at $500,000. https://www.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/home-accueil-eng.aspx
- New Frontiers in Research Fund, is part of the federal tri-agency granting councils of Canada, supporting world-leading, interdisciplinary research that is international, transformative and rapid-response. They have three streams to support their vision, Exploration; International; Transformation, and can create rapid-response special calls. https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/nfrf-fnfr/index-eng.aspx
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, is part of the federal tri-agency granting councils of Canada and supports research to advance scientific and technical breakthroughs. Their research priority areas include, Aerospace; Automotive; Environmental Science and Agriculture; Forestry and Wood Products Research; Life Sciences and Related Technologies; Information and Communications Technologies; Natural Resources and Energy; Northern Research; Manufacturing; Oil Sands and Heavy Oil; and Water-Related Research. https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/index_eng.asp
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, is part of the federal tri-agency granting council of Canada and supports research and training in the humanities and social sciences. Their mandate is to develop the talent of Canadian researchers in building knowledge to better understand society and driving innovations. https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/home-accueil-eng.aspx