The growing number of annotated biological sequences available makes it possible to learn genotype-phenotype relationships from data with increasingly high accuracy. When large quantities of labeled samples are available for training a model, convolutional neural networks can be used to predict the phenotype of unannotated sequences with good accuracy. Unfortunately, their performance with medium- or small-scale datasets is mitigated, which requires inventing new data-efficient approaches. In this paper, we introduce a hybrid approach between convolutional neural networks and kernel methods to model biological sequences. Our method enjoys the ability of convolutional neural networks to learn data representations that are adapted to a specific task, while the kernel point of view yields algorithms that perform significantly better when the amount of training data is small. We illustrate these advantages for transcription factor binding prediction and protein homology detection, and we demonstrate that our model is also simple to interpret, which is crucial for discovering predictive motifs in sequences. The source code is freely available at https://gitlab.inria.fr/dchen/CKN-seq.
1 Introduction
Understanding the relationship between biological sequences and the associated phenotypes is a fundamental problem in molecular biology. Accordingly, machine learning techniques have been developed to exploit the growing number of phenotypic sequences in automatic annotation tools. Typical applications include classifying protein domains into superfamilies [Leslie et al., 2003, Saigo et al., 2004], predicting whether a DNA or RNA sequence binds to a protein [Alipanahi et al., 2015], its splicing outcome [Jha et al., 2017], or its chromatin accessibility [Kelley et al., 2016], predicting the resistance of a bacterial strain to a drug [Drouin et al., 2016], or denoising a ChIP-seq signal [Koh et al., 2017].
Choosing how to represent biological sequences is a critical part of methods that predict phenotypes from genotypes. Kernel-based methods [Schölkopf and Smola, 2002] have often been used for this task. Biological sequences are represented by a large set of descriptors, constructed for instance by Fisher score [Jaakkola et al., 2000], k-mer spectrum up to some mismatches [Leslie et al., 2003], or local alignment score [Saigo et al., 2004]. By using the so-called kernel trick, these huge-dimensional descriptors never need to be explicitly computed as long as the inner-products between pairs of such vectors can be efficiently computed. A major limitation of traditional kernel methods is their decoupling of data representation and prediction algorithms: most kernels construct fixed representations of data, as opposed to optimizing representations for a specific task. Another issue is their poor scalability since they require computing and storing a n × n Gram matrix where n is the number of data points.
By contrast, methods based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) are more scalable and are able to optimize data representations for a specific prediction problem [LeCun et al., 1989]. Even though their predictive performance was first demonstrated for two-dimensional images, they have been recently successfully adopted for DNA sequence modeling [Alipanahi et al., 2015, Zhou and Troyanskaya, 2015]. When sufficient annotated data is available, they can lead to good prediction accuracy, though they still suffer from some known limitations. An important one is their lack of interpretability: the set of functions described by the network is only characterized by its algorithmic construction, which makes both the subsequent analysis and interpretation difficult. CNNs for DNA sequences typically involve much fewer layers than CNNs for images, and lend themselves to some level of interpretation [Alipanahi et al., 2015, Lanchantin et al., 2017, Shrikumar et al., 2017a]. However, a systematic approach is still lacking as existing methods rely on specific sequences to interpret trained filters [Alipanahi et al., 2015, Shrikumar et al., 2017a] or output a single feature per class [Lanchantin et al., 2017, (3.3)]. Correctly regularizing neural networks to avoid overfitting is another open issue and involves various heuristics such as dropout [Srivastava et al., 2014], weight decay [Hanson and Pratt, 1989], and early stopping. Finally, training neural networks generally requires large amounts of labeled data. When few training samples are available, training CNNs is challenging, motivating us for proposing a more data-efficient approach.
In this paper we introduce CKN-seq, a strategy combining kernel methods and deep neural networks for sequence modeling, by adapting the convolutional kernel network (CKN) model originally developed for image data [Mairal, 2016]. CKN-seq relies on a convolutional kernel, a continuous relaxation of the mismatch kernel [Leslie and Kuang, 2004]. The relaxation makes it possible to learn the kernel from data, and we provide an unsupervised and a supervised algorithm to do so – the latter being a special case of CNNs. On the datasets we consider, both approaches show better performance than DeepBind, another existing CNN [Alipanahi et al., 2015], especially when the amount of training data is small. On the other hand, the supervised algorithm produces task-specific and small-dimensional sequence representations while the un-supervised version dominates all other methods on small-scale problems but leads to higher dimensional representations. Consequently, we introduce a hybrid approach which always en-joys the benefits of both supervised and unsupervised variants, namely the ability of learning low-dimensional models with good prediction performance in all data size regimes. Finally, the kernel point of view of our method provides us simple ways to visualize and interpret our models, and obtain sequence logos.
We investigate the performance of CKN-seq on a transcription factor binding prediction task as well as on a protein remote homology detection. We provide a free implementation of CKN-seq for learning from biological sequences, which can easily be adapted to other sequence prediction tasks.
2 Method
In this section, we introduce our approach to learning sequence representations. We first review CNNs and kernel methods over which our convolutional kernel network is built. Then, we present the construction of CKN followed by the learning method. We finish the section with discussions on the interpretation and visualization of a trained CKN.
2.1 Supervised learning problem
Let us consider n sequence samples x1, x2, …, xn in a set of variable-length biological se-quences. The sequences are assumed to be over an alphabet . Each sequence xi is associated to a measurement yi in denoting some biological property of the sequence. may be binary labels {−1, 1} (e.g., whether the sequence is bound by a particular transcription factor or not) or ℝ for continuous traits (e.g., the expression of a gene). The goal of supervised learning is to use these n examples {xi, yi}i=1,…,n to learn a function : which accurately predicts the label of a new, unobserved sequence. Learning is typically achieved by minimizing the following objective: where L is a loss function measuring how well the prediction f (xi) fits the true label yi, and Ω measures the smoothness of f. is a set of candidate functions over which the optimization is performed. Both CNNs and kernel methods can be thought of as manners to design this set.
Convolutional neural networks
In neural networks, the functions in perform a se-quence of linear and nonlinear operations that are interleaved in a multilayer fashion. Specifi-cally, the state-of-the-art CNN in DNA modeling DeepBind [Alipanahi et al., 2015], represents the four DNA characters respectively as the vectors (1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), such that an input sequence x of length m is represented as a 4 × m matrix. DeepBind then produces an intermediate representation obtained by one-dimensional convolution of the full sequence x with p convolution filters, followed by a pointwise non-linear function and a max pooling operation along each sequence, yielding a representation x̃ in ℝp of the sequence. A final linear prediction layer is applied to x̃. The optimization in (1) acts on both the weights of this linear function and the convolution filters. Therefore, DeepBind simultaneously learns a representation x̃ and a linear prediction function over this representation.
DeepBind additionally modifies the objective function (1) to enforce an invariance to reverse complementation of x. The loss term is replaced with L (yi, max (f (xi), f (x̄i))) where x̄ denotes the reverse complement of x. Using this formulation is reported by Alipanahi et al. [2015] to improve the prediction performance. Other versions have been then considered, by using a fully connected layer that allows mixing information from the two DNA strands [Shrikumar et al., 2017b], or by considering several hidden layers instead of a single one [Zeng et al., 2016]. Overall, across several versions, the performance of DeepBind with a single hidden layer turned out to be the best in average on ChIP-seq experiments from ENCODE [Zeng et al., 2016].
Kernel methods
Like in CNNs, the main principle of kernel methods is to implicitly map each training point xi to a feature space in which simpler predictive functions are applied. For kernel methods, these feature spaces are generally high- (or even infinite-) dimensional vector spaces. This is achieved indirectly, by defining a kernel function which acts as a similarity measure between input data. When the kernel function is symmetric and positive definite, a classical result [see Schölkopf and Smola, 2002] states that there exists a Hilbert space of functions from to ℝ, called reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), along with a mapping , such that for all (x, x′) in , where is the Hilbertian inner-product associated with . In other words, there exists a mapping of sequences into a Hilbert space, such that the kernel value between any sequence pairs is equal to the inner-product between their maps in the Hilbert space. Besides, any function f in may be interpreted as a linear form for all x in . A large number of kernels have been specifically designed for biological sequences [see Ben-Hur et al., 2008, and references therein].
In the context of supervised learning (1), training points xi can be mapped into φ(xi) in , and we look for a prediction function f in . Interestingly, regularization is also convenient in the context of kernel methods, which is crucial for learning when few labeled samples are available. By choosing the regularization function , it is indeed possible to control the regularity of the prediction function f: for any two points x, x′ in , the variations of the predictions are bounded by . Hence, a small norm implies that f (x) will be close to f (x′) whenever x and x′ are close to each other according to the geometry induced by the kernel.
Kernel methods have several assets: (i) they are generic and can be directly applied to any type of data – e.g., sequences or graphs – as long as a relevant positive definite kernel is available; (ii) they are easy to regularize. However, as alluded earlier, naive implementations lack scalability. A typical workaround is the Nyström approximation [Williams and Seeger, 2001], which builds an explicit q-dimensional mapping for a reasonably small q approximating the kernel, i.e., such that . Then, solving the regularized problem (1) under this approximation amounts to learning a linear model with q dimensions. We will discuss how CKNs circumvent the scalability problem, while being capable to produce task-adapted data representations.
2.2 Convolutional kernel networks for sequences
We introduce the convolutional kernel network for sequences, and show its link with mismatch kernels [Leslie and Kuang, 2004].
2.2.1 Convolutional kernel for sequences
Given two sequences x and x′of respective lengths m and m′, we consider a window size k, and we define the following convolutional kernel, which compares pairwise subsequences of length k (k-mers) within x and x′: where Pi(x) is a k-mer of x centered at position i, represented as a one-hot encoded vector of size and K0 is a positive definite kernel used to compare k-mers.1 We follow Mairal [2016] and use a homogeneous dot-product kernel such that for two vectors z and z′ in ℝp, and . Note that when z and z′ are one-hot encoded vectors of subsequences, , and we recover a Gaussian kernel that involves the Hamming distance ‖z − z′‖2/2 between the two subsequences. Up to the normalization factors, this choice leads to the same kernel used by Morrow et al. [2017]. Yet, the algorithms we will present next are significantly different. While Morrow et al. [2017] use random features [Rahimi and Recht, 2008] to find a finite-dimensional mapping that approximates the kernel map, our approach relies on the Nyström approximation [Williams and Seeger, 2001]. A major advantage of the Nyström method is that it may be extended to produce lower-dimensional task-dependent mappings [Mairal, 2016] and it admits a model interpretation in terms of sequence logos (see Section 3), which is crucial for motif discovery.
2.2.2 Learning sequence representation
The positive definite kernel K0 defined in (3) implicitly defines a reproducing kernel Hilbert space over k-mers, along with a mapping . The convolutional kernel network model uses the Nyström method to approximate any point in onto its projection on a finite-dimensional subspace ε defined as the span of some anchor points where the zi’s are the anchor points in . Subsequently, it is possible to define a coordinate system in ε such that the orthogonal projection of φ0(z) onto ε may be represented by a p-dimensional vector φ0(z). Assume for now that the anchor points zi are given. Then, a finite-dimensional embedding [see Mairal, 2016, for details] is given by where is the inverse (or pseudo inverse) square root of the p × p Gram matrix [K0(zi zj)]ij and KZ (z) = (K0(z1, z), …, K0(zp, z))T. It is indeed possible to show that this vector preserves the Hilbertian inner-product in after projection: for any z, z′ in , where Π denotes the orthogonal projection onto ε. Assuming Pi(x) and Pj(x′) map close enough to ε, a reasonable approximation is therefore for all i, j in (2), and then
Finally, the original optimization problem (1) can be approximated by
We have assumed so far that the anchor points zi, i = 1 …, p were given – i.e., that the sequence representation ѱ(x) was fixed in advance. We now present two methods to learn this representation. The overall approximation scheme is illustrated in Figure 1.
Unsupervised learning of the anchor points
The first strategy consists in running a clustering algorithm such as K-means in order to find p centroids zi in that “span” well the data. This is achieved by extracting a large number of k-mers from the training sequences and by clustering them. The method is simple, performs well in practice as shown in Section 3, and can also be used to initialize the training of the following supervised variant. However, the main drawback is that it generally requires a large number anchor points (see Section 3) to achieve good prediction, which can be problematic for model interpretation.
Supervised learning of the anchor points
The other strategy consists in jointly optimizing (4) with respect to the vector w in ℝp and to the anchor points that parametrize the representation ѱ.
In practice, we adopt an optimization scheme that alternates between two steps: (a) we fix the anchor points (zi)i=1,…,p, compute the finite-dimensional representations ѱ(x1), …, ѱ(xn) of all data points, and minimize function (4) with respect to w, which is convex if L is convex; (b) We fix w and update all the zi)i=1,…,p using one pass of a projected stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm while fixing w, at a similar computational cost per iteration as a classical CNN. The optimization for the reverse-complement formulation can be done in the same way except that it is no more convex with respect to w, but we can still apply a fast optimization method such as L-BFGS [Liu and Nocedal, 1989]. We find this alternating scheme more efficient and more stable than using an SGD algorithm jointly on w and the anchor points.
2.2.3 Multilayer construction
We have presented CKNs with a single layer for simplicity, but the extension to multiple layers is straightforward. Instead of reducing the intermediate representation in Figure 1 to a single point, the pooling operation may simply reduce the sequence length by a constant factor, in a similar way as pooling reduces image resolution in CNN. Then, the previous process can be repeated and stacked several times, by defining a sequence of kernels K1, K2, … on subsequences from the previous respective layer representations, along with Hilbert spaces and mapping functions φ1, φ2, … [see Mairal, 2016]. When going up in the hierarchy, each point would carries information from a larger sequence neighborhood with more invariance due to the effect of pooling layers [Bietti and Mairal, 2017].
Increasing the number of convolutional layers in CNNs has been shown to decrease its performance [Zeng et al., 2016]. By contrast, it did not affect the performance of CKN-seq when using a sufficient number of convolutional filters (Supplementary Figure 8). Multilayer architectures allow to learn richer or more complex descriptors such as co-motifs [Sinha and Tompa, 2002], but may require a larger amount of data. They would also make the interpretation of the trained models more difficult.
2.3 Data-augmented and hybrid CKN
As shown in our experiments, the unsupervised variant is usually more effective than the su-pervised one when there are only few training samples. In this section, we present a hybrid approach that can achieve similar performance as the unsupervised variant, while keeping a low-dimensional sequence representation that is easier to interpret. Before introducing this approach, we first present a classical data augmentation method for sequences, which consists in artificially generating additional training data, by perturbing the existing training samples. Formally, we consider a mismatch noise δ, such that for a given sequence x, the sequence x + δ corresponds to x with a few randomly changed characters. With such augmentation, the objective (1) then becomes where Δ is a probability distribution of mismatch noises, characterized by the perturbation intensity. The main assumption is that a perturbed sequence xi + δ should have the same phenotype yi when the perturbation δ is small enough.
As we show in Section 3, data-augmented CKN performs significantly better than its unaug-mented counterpart when the amount of data is small. Yet, the unsupervised variant of CKN appears to be easier to regularize, and sometimes outperform all other approaches in such a low-data regime. This observation motivates us to introduce the following hybrid variant. In a first step, we learn a prediction function fu based on the unsupervised variant of CKN, which leads to a high-dimensional sequence representation with good predictive performance. Then, we learn a low-dimensional model fs, whose purpose is to mimic the prediction of fu, by minimizing the cost function where if δ = 0 and fu(xi + δ) otherwise. Typically, the amount of perturbation that formulation (6) can afford is much larger than (5), as shown in our experiments, since it does not require to make the assumption that the sequence xi + δ should have exactly label yi, which is a wrong assumption when δ is large.
2.4 Model interpretation and visualization
As observed by Morrow et al. [2017], the mismatch kernel [Leslie and Kuang, 2004] for modeling sequences may be written as Eq. (2) when replacing K0 with a discrete function I0 that computes the number of common neighboring k-mers (up to some mismatches) between k-mer pairs in xand x′. Thus, the convolutional kernel (2) can be viewed as a continuous relaxation of the mismatch kernel. Such a relaxation allows us to characterize the approximated convolutional kernel by the learned anchor points (the variables z1, …, zp in Section 2.2.2) that can be written as matrices in .
To transform these optimized anchor points zi into position weight matrices (PWMs) which can then be visualized as sequence logos, we identify the closest PWM to each zi: the kernel K0 implicitly defines a distance between one-hot-encoded sequences of length k, which is approx-imated by the Euclidean norm after mapping with ѱ0. Given an anchor point zi, the closest PWM μ according to the geometry induced by the kernel is therefore obtained by solving where is the set of matrices in whose columns sum to one. This projection problem can be solved using a projected gradient descent algorithm. The simplicial constraints induce some sparsity to the resulting PWM, yielding more informative logos. As opposed to the approach of Alipanahi et al. [2015] which has relied on extracting k-mers sufficiently close to the filters in a validation set of sequences, the results obtained by our method do not depend on a particular dataset.
3 Application
We now study the effectiveness of CKN-seq on a transcription factor (TF) binding prediction and a protein homology detection problem.
3.1 Prediction of transcription factor binding sites
The problem of predicting TF binding sites has been extensively studied in the recent years with the continuously growing number of TF-binding datasets. This problem can be modeled as a classification task where the input is some short DNA sequence, and the label indicates whether the sequence can be bound by a TF of interest. It has recently been pointed out that incorporating non-sequence-based data modalities such as chromatin state can improve TF binding prediction [Karimzadeh and Hoffman, 2018]. However, since our method is focused on the modeling of biological sequences, our experiments are limited to sequence data only.
3.1.1 Datasets and evaluation metric
In our experiments, we consider the datasets used by Alipanahi et al. [2015], consisting of fragment peaks in 506 different ENCODE ChIP-seq experiments. While negative sequences are originally generated by random dinucleotide shuffling, we also train our models with real negative sequences not bound by the TF, a task called motif occupancy by Zeng et al. [2016]. Both datasets have a balanced number of positive and negative samples, and we therefore measure performances by the area under the ROC curve (auROC). As noted by Karimzadeh and Hoffman [2018], even though classical, this setting may lead to overoptimistic performance: the real detection problem is more difficult as it involves a few binding sites and a huge number of non-binding sites.
3.1.2 Hyperparameter tuning
We discuss here the choice of different hyperparameters used in CKN and DeepBind-based CNN models.
Hyperparameter tuning for CNNs
In DeepBind [Alipanahi et al., 2015], the search for hyperparameters (learning rate, momentum, initialization, weight decay, DropOut) is com-putationally expensive. We observe that training with the initialization mechanism proposed by Glorot and Bengio [2010] and the Adam optimization algorithm [Kingma and Ba, 2015] led to a set of canonical hyper-parameters that perform well across datasets, and to get rid of such an expensive dataset-specific calibration step. The results we obtain in such a setting are con-sistent with those reported by Alipanahi et al. [2015] (and produced by their software package) and by Zeng et al. [2016] (see Supplementary Figure 12 and 13). Overall, this simplified strategy comes with great practical benefits in terms of speed.
Specifically, to choose the remaining parameters such as weight decay, we randomly select 100 datasets from DeepBind’s datasets, and we use one quarter of the training samples as validation set, on which the error is used as a proxy of the generalization error. We observe that neither DropOut [Srivastava et al., 2014], nor fully connected layers bring significant improvements, which leads to an even simpler model.
Hyperparameter tuning for CKNs
The hyperparameters of CKNs are also fixed across datasets, and we select them using the same methodology described above for CNNs. Specifi-cally, this strategy is used to select the bandwidth parameter σ and the regularization parame-ter λ (see Supplementary Figure 2 and 3), which is then fixed for all the variants of CKN and on either DeepBind’s or Zeng’s Datasets. For unsupervised CKN, the regularization parameter is dataset-specific and is obtained by a five-fold cross validation. To train CKN-seq, we initialize the supervised CKN-seq with the unsupervised method (which is parameter-free) and use the alternating optimization update presented in section 2.2. We use the Adam algorithm [Kingma and Ba, 2015] to update the filters and the L-BFGS algorithm Zhu et al. [1997] to optimize the prediction layer. The learning rate is fixed to 0.01 for both CNN and CKN. The logistic loss is chosen to be the loss function for both this and the next protein homology detection task. All the models only use one layer. The choice of filter size, number of filters, and number of layers are also discussed in Section 3.3.
3.1.3 Performance benchmark
We compare here the auROC scores on test datasets between different CKN and DeepBind-based CNN models.
Performance on entire datasets
Both supervised and unsupervised variants of CKN-seq show slightly better performance than DeepBind-based CNN models (Figure 2), on either DeepBind’s or Zeng’s datasets.
Performance on small-scale datasets
When few labeled samples are available, unsuper-vised CKNs achieve better predictive performance than fully supervised approaches that are hard to regularize. Specifically, we have selected all the datasets with less than 5000 training samples and reevaluated the above models. The results are presented in the top part of Figure 14. As expected, we observe that the data-augmented variant outperform the corresponding unaugmented variant for all the models, while the supervised CKN is still dominated by the unsupervised CKN. Finally, the hybrid variant of CKN-seq presented in section 2.3 performs nearly as well as the unsupervised one while only using 32 times fewer (only 128) filters. It is also more robust to the perturbation intensity used in augmentation than the data-augmented variant (detailed choice and study of perturbation intensity can be found in Supplementary Figure 4 and 5).
3.2 Protein homology detection
Protein homology detection is a fundamental problem in computational biology to understand and analyze the structure and function similarity between protein sequences. String kernels, see, e.g., [Leslie et al., 2002, 2004, Saigo et al., 2004, Rangwala and Karypis, 2005], have shown state-of-the-art prediction performance but are computationally expensive, which restricts their use to small-scale datasets. In comparison, CKN-seq and CNN models are much more compu-tationally efficient and also turn out to achieve better performance, which we show in the rest of this section. Specifically, we consider the remote homology detection problem and bench-mark different methods on the widely-used SCOP 1.67 dataset from Hochreiter et al. [2007], including 102 superfamily recognition tasks. The number of training protein samples for each task is around 5000, whose length varies from tens to thousands of amino acids. Under our formulation, positive protein sequences are taken from one superfamily from which one family is withheld to serve as test samples, while negative sequences are chosen from outside the target family’s fold.
Regarding the training of CNN and CKN-seq, we adopt the same setting as for the TF binding prediction task and the same methodology for the selection of hyper-parameters. A larger bandwidth parameter σ = 0.6 is selected (in contrast to σ = 0.3 in Section 3.1) due to the larger number of (20) characters in protein sequences. Further details about the validation scores obtained for various parameters are presented in Supplementary Figure 1-3. We also use max pooling in CKN-seq to aggregate feature vectors instead of mean pooling, which shows better performance in this problem. We fix the filter size to be 10 which seems computationally intractable for the exact algorithms, such as trie-based algorithm, for computing mismatch kernels [Kuksa et al., 2009].
Performance on entire datasets
Besides auROC, we also use auROC50 (area under the ROC up to 50 false positives) as evaluation metric, which is extensively used in the litera-ture [Leslie et al., 2004, Saigo et al., 2004]. Table 1 shows that unsupervised CKN-seq and CNN achieve similar performance and supervised CKN-seq achieves even better performance while they outperform all typical string kernels including local alignment kernel. They also outperform the LSTM model proposed by Hochreiter et al. [2007]. Finally, training CKN-seq is much faster than using string kernel-based methods. While training string kernel-based models requires hours or days [Hochreiter et al., 2007], training CNN or CKN-seq are done in a few minutes. In our experiments, the average training time for CNN and supervised CKN-seq is less than 3 minutes on a single cluster with a GTX1080 TI GPU and 8 CPU cores of 2.4 GHz, while training an unsupervised CKN-seq with 16384 filters (which seems to be the maximal size that can be fit to GPU memory and gives 0.956 and 0.792 respectively for auROC and auROC50) needs 30 minutes in average. We also notice that using a random sampling instead of K-means in unsupervised CKN-seq reduces the training time to 6 minutes without loss of performance.
By contrast, the training time for a local alignment kernel is about 4 hours.
Performance on subsampled datasets
We simulate situations where few training samples are available by subsampling only 500 class-balanced training samples for each dataset. We reevaluate the above CNN and CKN models, the data-augmented variants and also the hybrid method. The results (right panel of Figure 14) are similar to the ones obtained for the TF binding prediction problem except that supervised variant of CKN-seq performs remarkably well in this task. We also notice that CKN-seq variants trained with only 500 samples outperform the best string kernel trained with all training samples.
3.3 Hyperparameter Study
We now study the effect of hyperparameters and focus on the supervised version of CKN, which is more interpretable than the unsupervised one.
Both CNN and CKN-seq with one layer achieve better performance with a filter size of 12 for every fixed number of filters (Supplementary Figure 7). Since this optimal value is only slightly larger than the typical length of the motifs for TFs [Stewart et al., 2012], we deduce that the prediction mainly relies on a canonical motif while the nearby content has little contribution.
Increasing the number of filters improves the auROCs for both models regardless of the filter size, in line with the observation in Zeng et al. [2016] for CNNs. This improvement satu-rates when more than 128 filters are deployed, sometimes leading to overfitting (Supplementary Figure 6). We observe the same behavior for the unsupervised variant of CKN-seq (Supplementary Figure 6), but usually with much larger saturation bar (larger than 4096 for TF binding prediction and 32768 for protein homology detection). When using only 16 filters, CKN-seq shows better performance than DeepBind-based CNNs. This is an advantage as large numbers of filters make the model redundant and harder to interpret.
3.4 Model interpretation and visualization
In this section, we study the ability of a trained CKN-seq model to capture motifs and generate accurate and informative sequence logos. We use here simulated data since the true motifs are generally not known in practice. To simulate sequences containing some given motifs represented by a PWM, we follow the methodology adopted by Shrikumar et al. [2017a]. We train a 1-layer CKN-seq and CNN on two tasks of the respective motif FOXA1 and GATA1 [Kheradpour and Kellis, 2013], using the same hyperparameter settings as previously. The filter size and the number of filters were chosen to be 12 and 16 to avoid capturing too many redundant features. Both models achieve about 0.99 for the auROC on test set. The trained CNN is visualized by using the approach introduced in Alipanahi et al. [2015] and the trained CKN is visualized by using the approach presented in section 2.4, i.e., solving with a projected gradient descent method. The best recovered motifs (in the sense of information content) are compared to the true motifs using Tomtom [Gupta et al., 2007].
Motifs recovered by CKN-seq and CNN were aligned to the true motifs (Figure 4) while the logos given by CKN-seq are more informative and match better with the ground truth in terms of any distance measures (Table 2). This suggests that CKN-seq may be able to find more accurate motifs.
4 Discussion
We have introduced a convolutional kernel for sequences which combines advantages of CNNs and string kernels. The resulting CKN-seq is a special case of CNN which generalizes the mismatch kernel to motifs – instead of discrete k-mers – and makes it task-adaptive and scalable.
CKN-seq retains the ability of CNNs to learn sequence representations from large datasets, leading to slightly better performance than state-of-the-art CNNs on a TF binding site pre-diction task and on a protein homology detection task. The unsupervised version of CKN-seq keeps the kernel formalism, which makes it easier to regularize and thus leads to good per-formance on small-scale datasets despite the use of a huge number of convolutional filters. A hybrid version of CKN-seq performs equally well as its unsupervised version but with much fewer filters. Finally, the kernel interpretation also makes the learned model more interpretable and thus recovers more accurate motifs.
The fact that CKNs retain the ability of CNNs to learn feature spaces from large training sets of data while enjoying a RKHS structure has other uncharted applications which we would like to explore in future work. First, it will allow us to leverage the existing literature on kernels for biological sequences to define the bottom kernel K0, possibly capturing other aspects than sequence motifs. More generally, it provides a straightforward way to build models for non-vector objects such as graphs, taking as input molecules or protein structures. Finally, it paves the way for making deep networks amenable to statistical analysis, in particular to hypothesis testing. This important step would be complementary to the interpretability aspect, and necessary to make deep networks a powerful tool for molecular biology beyond prediction.
This work has been supported by the grants from ANR (MACARON project ANR-14-CE23-0003-01 and FAST-BIG project ANR-17-CE23-0011-01) and by the ERC grant number 714381 (SOLARIS).
We thank H. Zeng for sharing the experimental results of Zeng et al. [2016].